Saturday, September 28, 2013

Visual Web Ripper: Using External Input Data Sources

Sometimes it is necessary to use external data sources to provide parameters for the scraping process. For example, you have a database with a bunch of ASINs and you need to scrape all product information for each one of them. As far as Visual Web Ripper is concerned, an input data source can be used to provide a list of input values to a data extraction project. A data extraction project will be run once for each row of input values.

An input data source is normally used in one of these scenarios:

    To provide a list of input values for a web form
    To provide a list of start URLs
    To provide input values for Fixed Value elements
    To provide input values for scripts

Visual Web Ripper supports the following input data sources:

    SQL Server Database
    MySQL Database
    OleDB Database
    CSV File
    Script (A script can be used to provide data from almost any data source)

To see it in action you can download a sample project that uses an input CSV file with Amazon ASIN codes to generate Amazon start URLs and extract some product data. Place both the project file and the input CSV file in the default Visual Web Ripper project folder (My Documents\Visual Web Ripper\Projects).

For further information please look at the manual topic, explaining how to use an input data source to generate start URLs.


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Using External Input Data in Off-the-shelf Web Scrapers

There is a question I’ve wanted to shed some light upon for a long time already: “What if I need to scrape several URL’s based on data in some external database?“.

For example, recently one of our visitors asked a very good question (thanks, Ed):

    “I have a large list of asin. I would like to scrape 10 or so fields for each asin. Is there any web scraping software available that can read each asin from a database and form the destination url to be scraped like{asin} and scrape the data?”

This question impelled me to investigate this matter. I contacted several web scraper developers, and they kindly provided me with detailed answers that allowed me to bring the following summary to your attention:
Visual Web Ripper

An input data source can be used to provide a list of input values to a data extraction project. A data extraction project will be run once for each row of input values. You can find the additional information here.
Web Content Extractor

You can use the -at”filename” command line option to add new URLs from TXT or CSV file:

    WCExtractor.exe projectfile -at”filename” -s

projectfile: the file name of the project (*.wcepr) to open.
filename – the file name of the CSV or TXT file that contains URLs separated by newlines.
-s – starts the extraction process

You can find some options and examples here.

Since Mozenda is cloud-based, the external data needs to be loaded up into the user’s Mozenda account. That data can then be easily used as part of the data extracting process. You can construct URLs, search for strings that match your inputs, or carry through several data fields from an input collection and add data to it as part of your output. The easiest way to get input data from an external source is to use the API to populate data into a Mozenda collection (in the user’s account). You can also input data in the Mozenda web console by importing a .csv file or importing one through our agent building tool.

Once the data is loaded into the cloud, you simply initiate building a Mozenda web agent and refer to that Data list. By using the Load page action and the variable from the inputs, you can construct a URL like
Helium Scraper

Here is a video showing how to do this with Helium Scraper:

The video shows how to use the input data as URLs and as search terms. There are many other ways you could use this data, way too many to fit in a video. Also, if you know SQL, you could run a query to get the data directly from an external MS Access database like
SELECT * FROM [MyTable] IN "C:\MyDatabase.mdb"

Note that the database needs to be a “.mdb” file.
WebSundew Data Extractor
Basically this allows using input data from external data sources. This may be CSV, Excel file or a Database (MySQL, MSSQL, etc). Here you can see how to do this in the case of an external file, but you can do it with a database in a similar way (you just need to write an SQL script that returns the necessary data).
In addition to passing URLs from the external sources you can pass other input parameters as well (input fields, for example).
Screen Scraper

Screen Scraper is really designed to be interoperable with all sorts of databases. We have composed a separate article where you can find a tutorial and a sample project about scraping Amazon products based on a list of their ASINs.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Scraping with Screen Scraper

Let’s look how to use Screen Scraper for scraping Amazon products having a list of asins in external database.

Screen Scraper is designed to be interoperable with all sorts of databases and web-languages. There is even a data-manager that allows one to make a connection to a database (MySQL, Amazon RDS, MS SQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, etc), and then the scripting in screen-scraper is agnostic to the type of database.

Let’s go through a sample scrape project you can see it at work. I don’t know how well you know Screen Scraper, but I assume you have it installed, and a MySQL database you can use. You need to:

    Make sure screen-scraper is not running as workbench or server
    Put the Amazon (Scraping Session).sss file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/import” directory.
    Put the mysql-connector-java-5.1.22-bin.jar file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/lib/ext” directory.
    Create a MySQL database for the scrape to use, and import the amazon.sql file.
    Put the amazon.db.config file in the “screen-scraper enterprise edition/input” directory and edit it to contain proper settings to connect to your database.
    Start the screen scraper workbench

Since this is a very simple scrape, you just want to run it in the workbench (most of the time you want to run scrapes in server mode). Start the workbench, and you will see the Amazon scrape in there, and you can just click the “play” button.

Note that a breakpoint comes up for each item. It would be easy to save the scraped details to a database table or file if you want. Also see in the database the “id_status” changes as each item is scraped.

When the scrape is run, it looks in the database for products marked “not scraped”, so when you want to re-run the scrapes, you need to:

SET `id_status` = 0

Have a nice scraping! ))

P.S. We thank Jason Bellows from Ekiwi, LLC for such a great tutorial.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Frequent Itemset Challenge in Data Mining

In Business Intelligence (and in data mining in general) a regular need is to be able to find the items that frequently go together in a consumer basket.
Problem description

A common itemset problem is to mine a set of items to find a subset of those which have a close connection between them. A good example are the bottles of ketchup that are often located beside spaghetti shelves in some grocery stores. Those items appear together frequently in a consumer basket. Any set of items that regularly appear together in many baskets is said to be frequent.

When mining those data, we could use this algorithm to define and then recommend items of purchase for a buyer (consider some popups that appear after you complete an online purchase). Knowing that A and B are a frequent itemset, why not recommend item B to a user who buys item A. With a bit of data mining and further application of these frequent data sets in marketing, the total revenue has increased up to 30%.

The challenge in this problem is the amount of data to be processed in memory and engines load. Having a set of N items per basket, there would be N!/2!(N-2)! pair combinations of items to check. First it would have to store all these combinations for all baskets and second to iterate through all of them to find the frequent pairs.
The Apriori algorithm helps

The Apriori algorithm is that “if a pair of items is to be frequent, each individual item should also be frequent“. Following the Apriori algorithm, the number of sets will be greatly reduced resulting in the reduction of computation resources as well.
Solution to find frequent sets

To establish a “threshold” we must define what is or is not frequent in the algorithm. Having an item appear more than “threshold”= X times in baskets, defines it as frequent.
Apriori algorithm implementation

    Pass over each item in each basket, and calculate its frequency (count how many time each one appears). This can be done with a hash, where the position of the hash, refers to the frequency ‘Y’. If an item has a frequency greater than X, it is considered to be frequent. Y (position) > X (threshold).

    Process in order to iterate only through the individually frequent items, computing the frequency of pairs of those items. So if item 1 and item 2 are frequent in themselves, we then compute the frequency of the pair. Once this is calculated, the frequencies greater than the threshold are said to be a frequent itemset.

Having used the Apriori algorithm, even if 50% of the items below threshold are sifted out, the computation load decreases as well as the memory consumption by a factor of 4.


Monday, September 23, 2013

How Does Outsourced Data Entry Services Help Companies Save Time

Data entry services provided by a competent BPO company can help companies save time compared to doing it in-house. The in-house workload can be simplified to a great extent with the help of reliable companies. Whether it is alpha numeric entry or simple text entry, in-house management takes a lot of time, because the task is a very tedious one. Nowadays, a variety of back office services are available and many of them are specialized in multiple industries such as insurance, legal and the medical industry.

Reasons to Opt for Data Entry Outsourcing

    Save time

As mentioned earlier, managing such processes in-house is a time-consuming task. When it is outsourced, businesses get some more time to devote to core activities. Businesses can taste success even in this era of competition with the support of a reputable company.

    Availability of expertise

Staff providing service in these companies have specific skills which allow for expert delivery

    Specialists with required skill set
    Fluency in the English language if the work is outsourced to another country
    Good typing speed and good keyboard skills
    Ability to work with different software and different formats
    Ability to comprehend different handwritings if required
    Resources can be reassigned or reduced data entry is outsourced

Not only is time saved when you outsource, but also resources. When data entry is done in-house, additional office space is required for setting up infrastructure and managing data. Then, you need to invest in additional manpower, hardware and software as well. When more people are hired, more money is spent on salaries as well as benefits. However, when the work is outsourced, you can avoid all this expenditure.

How to Select the Best Data Entry Company

Various things should be taken into consideration when selecting a good data entry company:

    The company should understand your requirements well
    The solutions that the company offers should be 99 percent accurate
    The data should be handled with confidentiality and security
    The company should have data recovery and backup plans
    It must provide technical support round the clock
    It should assure at least 30 to 40 percent of cost savings
    Company should be able to provide you with the same if not better quality than doing it ion-house

There are many companies that offer free trial of their services. This will help evaluate the kind of service they provide. Businesses will be successful if an established company is chosen. A thorough comparison of the data entry services provided by various companies should be made for selecting the best company. The right service provider will help businesses save time and work towards improving core processes.

MOS is reputed name in the Data entry services outsourcing industry. More details regarding the services offered by the company can be found here.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Data Entry Services Are Meant To Ease Your Workload

Data entry services provided by the firms are growing very rapidly with a huge demand. It may sound that data entry is a simple task to do but it is not so simple and plays an important role in running a successful business. We all know that data and information related to any company is very crucial for them. Data are priceless for any firm, no-matter they are small or big. The companies provide you highly customized business solutions depending on your requirement.

The companies also provide various range of services for all kinds of textual data capturing from printed matter, manuscripts, and even web research. Very advanced technologies are used to convert large quantities of paper work and image based task to electronic data that is usable in database and in the management system. Any kind of data is very essential for an organization whether it is manual or electronic.

There are many companies that provide highly accurate data entry services with complete confidentiality and high level of accuracy. These services are undertaken by banks, retail organizations, medical research facilities, universities, insurance companies, newspapers, large corporate enterprises, direct marketing and database marketing firms, school and trade associations to make their organization a successful and profitable enterprise.

Outsourcing is a business strategy which is highly being used by businesses to take care of the data entry services. In fact, the process of outsourcing has made things simpler for business owners and the businesses are running successfully. The companies that are involved in outsourcing work do provide these services efficiently to those firms who are burdened with heavy workload. If you are running a business of your own and want to manage it properly and run smoothly, then all you need to do is to hire data entry services.

Availing the benefits of outsourcing works in the form of data entry services can prove tremendous for your company. If you outsource your extra burden of work to a company then in such case, you can make growth plans and strategies for your organization. The companies will console you about the high quality of services and the accuracy they provide for the business that needs data to be extracted from any source.

Data entry services is an information technology enabled services that provides you wide range of services. The professionals working for you are trained and extremely talented who are ready to provide you high end services with full dedication. Since, you are spending money for this, so you must take the best services and choose those companies who can cater to your needs according to you.

Data entry services is not a complex application but it's extremely time taking and this the main reason for a company that hires this service so that they can save their time and money. Every business has many more things to consider for their growth prospects and for this reason they don't want to waste their time and money in such stuffs. The professionals are especially trained according to the requirement of the work depending on how critical the work is. Hiring for this service is definitely a wise decision for your business prospects. These types of services will surely help you to make big profits in the business. The strategy and techniques applied to any business is the key to success.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Know What the Truth Behind Data Mining Outsourcing Service

We came to that, what we call the information age where industries are like useful data needed for decision-making, the creation of products - among other essential uses for business. Information mining and converting them to useful information is a part of this trend that allows companies to reach their optimum potential. However, many companies that do not meet even one deal with data mining question because they are simply overwhelmed with other important tasks. This is where data mining outsourcing comes in.

There have been many definitions to introduced, but it can be simply explained as a process that involves sorting through large amounts of raw data to extract valuable information needed by industries and enterprises in various fields. In most cases this is done by professionals, professional organizations and financial analysts. He has seen considerable growth in the number of sectors or groups that enter my self.
There are a number of reasons why there is a rapid growth in data mining outsourcing service subscriptions. Some of them are presented below:

A wide range of services

Many companies are turning to information mining outsourcing, because they cover a wide range of services. These services include, but are not limited to data from web applications congregation database, collect contact information from different sites, extract data from websites using the software, the sort of stories from sources news, information and accumulate commercial competitors.

Many companies fall

Many industries benefit because it is fast and realistic. The information extracted by data mining service providers of outsourcing used in crucial decisions in the field of direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, health, scientific tests and other experimental work, telecommunications, financial services, and a whole lot more.

A lot of advantages

Subscribe data mining outsourcing services it's offers many benefits, as providers assures customers to render services to world standards. They strive to work with improved technologies, scalability, sophisticated infrastructure, resources, timeliness, cost, the system safer for the security of information and increased market coverage.

Outsourcing allows companies to focus their core business and can improve overall productivity. Not surprisingly, information mining outsourcing has been a first choice of many companies - to propel the business to higher profits.

In this Article Author wants to tell about Data mining services and truth behind Data Mining Outsourcing Service.


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Data Mining Software - Discover Software Modernization

Data mining software is usually an application that one uses and covers mostly with one's knowledge in the discovery of software modernization. Mining data software involves the understanding of the software artifacts that exist and the mining data tools. This process has very close relations with reverse engineering. The knowledge that one gains from studying data software that exists is usually presented in forms of models and by doing these queries one can be in a position to make his personal data mining software. With the knowledge that someone gains it must be applicable and one must also know the mining data tools that are suppose to be used apart from the soft wares. One can be able to know very widely about the mining data tools that are there in mining data software by doing computer science as a course. Computer science covers widely on what are the procedures, steps of mining data software and how can use the mining data tools.

This software is mostly used in making of databases schemes. Making of databases is not as easy as many would think it requires one to have some knowledge about computer engineering and the basic concepts of computers.;This software is mostly used in data crawling because it can be in a position to store data and one can be able to retrieve the data when needed.

The softwares are not that cheap they come in different varieties and it will depend on which information or the database on which one is coming up with.

Data mining software are usually in different levels there is the data level, design level, application level, architectural level, call graph level and program level it will depend on which level one is covering and this come together with mining data tools.

Data software's have increased rapidly through the introduction of computers and ERP definition. Computers hackers have been able to get the softwares at a very low price and this has made data mining to become very easy and quick to use in the shops and supermarkets and also government institutions. One cannot do data crawling without having the basic knowledge about data mining soft wares because soft wares are the programmes that are usually installed into the computer and without the programmes then no data can be processed.

There are a lot of challenges that come with the use of the mining soft ware. One can easily crush the software he is using or the softwares can easily break they are normally sold on CDS one can easily break it or loose it.

High chances of losing the data that someone is coming up with is very high because computers easily crash due to some difficulties that they experience or a virus can easily crush the computer.

Mining software take a very large space and in most of the computers. The reason behind this is because, data crawling use graphics. Graphics usually occupy a lot of space in terms of the size of the local disk. One is suppose to look for a computer that has very good memory. Data crawling is something that needs to be updated each and every time something appears along the way.

Victor C. has many hobbies and interests. As well being a keen blogger and article writer for many sites, he has also recently created a site focusing on data mining tools. The site is constantly being updated.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Preference to Offshore Document Data Entry Services

A number or business organizations if different industries are seeking competent and precise document data entry services to maintain their business records safe for future references. Document data entry has advanced as a quickly developing and active industry structure almost accept in all major companies of the world. The companies doing businesses these days are undergoing rapid changes and therefore the need for services is becoming all the more crucial.

To get success you need to accomplish more understanding about the market, your business, clients as well as the prevailing factors that influence your business. A considerable amount of document is in one or the other way included in this entire process. These services is helpful in taking crucial decisions for the organization. It also provides you a standard in understanding the current and future business status of your company.

In this information age data-entry from documents and data conversion have become important elements for most business houses. The requirement for document services has reached zenith since companies work on processes like business merger and acquisitions, as well as new technology developments. In such scenarios having access to the right kind of data at the right time is very crucial and that is why companies opt for reliable services.

These services covers a range of professional business oriented activities such as document plus image processing to image editing as well as catalog processing. A few noteworthy examples of from documents include: PDF document indexing, insurance claim entry, online data capture as well as creating new databases. These services are important in industries like insurance companies, banks, government departments and airlines.

Companies such as Offshore and outsource and others offer an entire gamut of first rate data services. Actually, getting services from documents offshore to developing yet competent countries like India has made the process highly economical plus quality driven too.

Business giants around the world have realized multiple advantages associated in Offshore-Data-Entry. Companies not only prosper because of quality services but are also benefited because of better turn around time, maintaining confidentiality of data as well as economic rates.

Though the company works in all form of documents, there are few below mentioned areas where it specializes:

• Document data entry
• Document data entry conversion
• Document data processing
• Document data capture services
• Web data extraction
• Document scanning indexing

Since reputable companies like Offshore Data-Entry hire only well qualified and trained candidates work satisfaction is guaranteed. There are several steps involved in the quality check (QC) process and therefore accuracy level is maintained to 99.995% ensuring that the end result is delivered to the client far beyond his expectation.

With the amount of talent that India has outsourcing your data from documents is certainly an intelligent step. Visit our site:, and drop us an email through a contact us feature and we will get back to you for your assistance.

For more information about our Document Data Entry services please visit us at: OR send your entire data entry requirements at: and we will revert back within 24 hours with cost effective solutions.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Outsource Data Entry Services and Reduce Costs

India is known for its efficient and cost effective data entry service companies. As the Internet is expanding its horizon, companies from all over the world are flocking to India and outsourcing data format jobs to different companies. There definitely has to be a strong reason behind the same. Every business needs relevant information and data from trusted sources at a nominal cost. Companies in India have made cost effectiveness their forte and thus offer the best services to their clients around the world at an affordable cost.

One of the main reasons for outsourcing these tasks to India is that you get the aid of extremely qualified experts at an exceptionally low cost. This services can very well be outsourced to India without you having to worry about the quality of work you will receive. The data-entry professionals in these companies are skilled in their work and can help you manage business related data without any errors. Their specialists are well equipped with the latest technologies, both in hardware and software, and thus they can offer you the best results.

The various types of data entry services that you can avail from India are offline and online entry, image entry, entry of e-books, surveys, catalog entry, entry of legal documents, entry of insurance claims, database entry, text entry, accounting, entry of manuals, PDF conversion, HTML conversion, XML conversion and many others such services.

This type of work is a critical part of every organization and has to be done cautiously. Therefore, before outsourcing your data entry services, check for the credibility of the company by reviewing its past records, and customers feedback. Outsourcing services can definitely help you reduce cost and allow you to use your time and employees for more productive work. Important thing is that even outsourcing needs proper care and verification so that you don't have to face any confidentiality and quality issues in future.

This article is written by Abhinav Singh and provided in courtesy of data entry, offering affordable data entry services.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Internet Outsourcing Data Entry to Third World Countries

Outsourcing pieces of your company is cost effective. The economic downturn has made companies explore more fiscally conservative options for their company. Internet outsourcing is one of the most popular options to effectively cut costs. Entire departments that cost companies millions a year can be shipped overseas. This allows companies to focus their resources on the crucial elements of their company and not use resources on trivial but necessary matters.

One of the most common departments outsourced is customer service. Maintaining a customer service department requires health benefits, rent, and costly salaries. This creates a huge expense for a company for simple tasks. Customer service departments are being outsourced to India and China for a fraction of the cost. Customer service often requires a straightforward question and answer script. The answers can be given to anyone who has the script. This makes outsourcing customer service effective.

If someone calls for customer support and the customer service representative answers the phone and does not know the answer there is a solution. Calls can be transferred to customer representatives that have extensive product knowledge. This elite group of customer service representatives can be located at corporate headquarters or can be transferred to a trained group of outsourced customer representatives that have knowledge beyond the script. This is one of the easiest ways to cut costs and maintain the value of the company. Over 90% of customer support questions are repeat questions that can be scripted.

Data entry is one the most common outsourced departments. People who do not speak the same language as the origin country can often do data entry tasks. This makes outsourcing data entry extremely cost effective. Numbers and symbols are universal making data entry straightforward in most foreign countries.

All outsourcing tasks can be distributed online. Internet outsourcing is the future to big and small businesses creating cost effective business plans. Placing an order online for electronic equipment has become a normal way of shopping. Placing online orders for work will be common in the decades to come.

Companies worry about outsourcing because they're concerned about quality. Outsourcing has become big business in China, India, third world and developing countries. Projects outsourced are taken very seriously and business management is similar to western societies. The regulations are often more strict than the United States and the work is often held to a higher standard to insure repeat business.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Startling Benefits Of Outsourcing Data Entry Services

It is essential for running the business successfully. Business organizations into insurance, medical, financial, banking, educational, commercial, and social are the most which require help of professional service providers. For proper management of information it is better to take help of professional outsourcing service.

In the current business world there are many companies providing outsourcing service at affordable rates. These companies providing customized solutions provide a wide range of services such as:

• Online/offline data outsourcing
• Image entry
• Copy typing
• Book typing
• Report copy typing
• Document and image processing
• Insurance claim entry
• Medical record entry, etc.

Few benefits of availing outsourcing are as follows:

Competent Services
Companies providing outsourcing services have well trained and experienced work force with updated technology to deliver accurate output in bare minimum time. Companies providing data outsourcing services invest on advanced infrastructure with upgraded technological instruments as well as secured systems, etc. to meet requirements of the clients.

Cutting down cost
Outsourcing your services saves up to 60% cost on total operations of the business. By outsourcing, you may cut down cost of capital incurred during in-house process. Additional benefit of outsourcing is saving cost on resources which could be invested in widening the business activity.

High Return on Investment
Outsourcing fetches standard agreement with the companies to provide maximum return on investment. Thus it is easier for companies to lower down expenditures on resources and improve the competence as well as output. Obviously the company will be yearning great profits on their investments.

Multiple Services
Outsourcing is the collection of connected areas of services which comprises: data processing, data conversion, word conversion, PDF conversion, PDF to DOC conversion, OCR clean up, etc.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Enjoy Valuable Advantages of Finding Professional Online Data Entry Services

Outsourcing is eyed as a cost-effective means to make the business cycle run. The market consists of a lot of heartened buyers who have enjoyed the fruits of outsourcing by compensating a trivial sum to online data entry service providers. They have felt that the sum they shelled out to these services is quite insignificant when compared to the work they got completed by doing so. Of late, its effect among corporate people is so huge that even those who did not prefer to outsource their projects have embraced this practice realizing quite a few of the several advantages that it has in store. Online Data Entry Services is subcontracted to a lot of individuals and other smaller business units that take such projects as their prime source of occupation.

Many services are distributed to companies who approach these online data entry service providers. Some of the commonly used services are web research, mortgage research, product entry and lastly data mining and extraction services. Adept professionals are at your service in these service providers as those who run such units strongly believe in deploying a team of skilled professionals to help clients realize results as quick as possible. Moreover, the systems that are up for utilization in these units are technically advanced both in terms of utility and security hence you need not fear for having outsourced some crucial data sheets belonging to your company. These providers value your information as how they treasure you association and hence you need not actually care a lot about the confidentiality of your information.

Business firms can look forward to receiving high-class data entry from the hands of online data entry services that undertake such projects. Some of the below-mentioned points are a short listing of what interests business in subcontracting the work to professionals.

    Keying in the data happens to be the first phase at the end of which the companies get understandable information to make strategic decisions with. What appeared as raw data represented by mere numbers some time ago is a pointer or a guide, at present, to accelerate business progress.
    Systems being used for such processes offer complete protection to the information.
    As chances of obtaining high quality information rises, the company's business executive is expected to arrive at excellent decisions that reflect on the company's better performance in future.
    Turnaround time is considerably shortened.
    Cost-effective approach does hold a lot of substance since it considerably decreases the operational overheads related to data entry services within the business wing of the company itself.

Saving money and time holds a unique advantage and outsourcing of such online data entry services proffers these businesses this distinctive edge. Thriving companies intend to focus on their core operations instead of delving into such non-core activities, which do not weigh as good as other essential industrial operations that they need to look after. Why should one take and put these chores on themselves when some professionals who are capable of delivering effective results can be picked from the outsourcing market.


Friday, September 6, 2013

How Do We Store Data for Future Data Mining Without Knowing the Future Questions?

Let's talk a little bit about "transparency versus public access" and where it's appropriate, and where it obviously isn't. Not long ago, there was an interesting feature in the TV news, a big to do about nothing, where the First Lady Michelle had traveled to Spain, and as she was on her vacation, she was on vacation as a private citizen. Now whereas, people want transparency, one has to ask where privacy must take precedent, and where transparency should be afforded.

Now, you might not think this is a very good example, but when it comes to online social networks, paparazzi, and privacy all these things are really big issues. Recall when Sarah Palin's yahoo email account was hacked by a college student, Obama supporter in TN? Obviously, that crossed the line, but where do we draw the line online?

Okay so, let's get back to the main question here; How Do We Store Online Data without violating personal property, and how do we protect national security without breaches in data, or violations of personal privacy. And if we anonimize all the data for use at a future time, how should we store it for Future Data Mining Without Knowing the Future Questions?

The information and data could be stored by region, time, frequency, and relevance. It must be stored for a multitude of purposes, and we must determine who may obtain the data, who will use the data, and what will they use it for. You see, there are different ways to store the information categories to be displayed in, or various types of tags to assign it to.

Perhaps, all the information can be stored, every bit of it, and a trusted data inquirer who wants to ask the questions, will have to explain their inquiry to an artificially intelligent computer, and it can act like a Supreme Court review on privacy. In other words, if the reason for the information is not good enough, access to that particular information will be denied. And yes it could use constitutional extrapolations, which would be philosophically based on the same analogy as surgeon seizure rules, or Fifth Amendment rights of self-determination.

As if the data itself would be alive, and the artificial intelligent computer would be the judge deciding if the prosecution would be allowed to ask those questions of the computer data system. In this case you could just store all the information you could possibly take in, and not worry about it. Okay so, that is one option; just store all the data, regardless of what it is. Or another option is to store only some data, data you believe to be important for the future, but knowing the whole truth of the past, is not completely known.

This is problematic however due to "selective prosecution" challenges. You see, one of my biggest fears would be information taken at a context, and used to condemn people or character assassinate them, or incriminate them at a trial, or in the mass media in court of public opinion using stored data, using a computer forensic chain of data, selectively gathered.

We know that the media uses this trick early and often, and they do so in often ruining people's lives. We need to be careful with that. It's serious issue. The reality is you cannot trust humans, they have proven throughout history to be a trustworthy, and you don't have to go very far to find inherent corruptness and individuals of the human species. This being my primary reason for suggesting an AI computer system.

The other concept might be to not collect the data at all, because you don't really need the data, and if you have the data available, we all know that it will be abused. Of course, the proof of innocence could also very well be in that same data, you see that point? But, the chances for abuse is far too great when humans are involved. We've had previous Presidential Administrations use IRS data to attack their enemies, and use the FBI to track political opponents. State Governors have used state police to track persons whom they've had disputes with or political adversaries as well. The abuse of power is quite common.

So, under the opposite model, you could say; No Data from Anyone, Agency, Corporation, or Organization maybe collected period; you can't collect it, you can't have it, and you can't use it. That means you can't use it for good or for evil. Some might say that would be unfortunate because a lot of that data can help prevent crimes, it can help better solve the challenges and problems of our society, and it can help artificial intelligence make the best decisions based on the best information.

If we continually make decisions based on lack of information, is this really a smart way to do planning? If on the other hand we have irrelevant information, bad information, or information taken out of context, we will never be able to make any decisions without very unfortunate unintended consequences, which is what is happening now it seems.

At our think tank we talk a lot about this, but we don't do political correctness, and we aren't about to give the human species a free pass on integrity, they don't deserve it, they haven't earned it, and we all know they cannot be trusted.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Outsourcing Data Entry Services to Ease Your Workload

In today's competitive environment, data entry outsourcing allows global business organizations to maintain uptime and to be competitively effective. From industries to individuals, professional to retailers all prefers to outsource their back office work to ease their workload at low market rates. these is not a difficult process but it consumes lot of time and main obstacle is that company need to hire expert people for this service.Benefits of Data Entry Outsourcing

Outsourcing give benefits you financially as well as strategically. outsourcing gives you benefits by saving time and cost which allow you to increase you business productivity. Many people prefer to outsource their work due to high level of accuracy and low level of cost. Specially trained professional from offshore countries provide you excellent services with significant suggestions. There are several advantages of data entry outsourcing some major advantages are:

    Advantage of low cost services
    Fast delivery
    Access of specialized service
    Focusing energy and workforce on your core business
    Save manpower and training costs
    Increased customer satisfaction

Data entry services include simple text entry work to alpha numerical entries requires complex calculations. To meet the high flow of work many firms use modern word processing software and hire skilled professional in fast keyboard operating.

Business process outsourcing units engaged in providing this services give quick, well-organized and secure solutions to retain their place in competitive outsourcing market. Many organizations provide high level of accuracy with complete confidentiality. These companies also utilize the services of proofreaders in an effort to give high accurate service.

Whether you are a globally operating organization or simple in-house freelancer data entry outsourcing can become your strategic partner to achieve organizational excellence and enjoy business success.

Offshore companies provide data entry and financial services like document management, data processing, data conversion, document conversion, scanning and indexing, data cleaning services with use of latest software. Many organizations have in-house research team constantly looking for new ways to increase productivity and effectiveness.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Data Mining As a Process

The data mining process is also known as knowledge discovery. It can be defined as the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and then summarizing the data into useful information in order to improve the revenue and cut the costs. The process enables categorization of data and the summary of the relationships is identified. When viewed in technical terms, the process can be defined as finding correlations or patterns in large relational databases. In this article, we look at how data mining works its innovations, the needed technological infrastructures and the tools such as phone validation.

Data mining is a relatively new term used in the data collection field. The process is very old but has evolved over the time. Companies have been able to use computers to shift over the large amounts of data for many years. The process has been used widely by the marketing firms in conducting market research. Through analysis, it is possible to define the regularity of customers shopping. How the items are bought. It is also possible to collect information needed for the establishment of revenue increase platform. Nowadays, what aides the process is the affordable and easy disk storage, computer processing power and applications developed.

Data extraction is commonly used by the companies that are after maintaining a stronger customer focus no matter where they are engaged. Most companies are engaged in retail, marketing, finance or communication. Through this process, it is possible to determine the different relationships between the varying factors. The varying factors include staffing, product positioning, pricing, social demographics, and market competition.

A data-mining program can be used. It is important note that the data mining applications vary in types. Some of the types include machine learning, statistical, and neural networks. The program is interested in any of the following four types of relationships: clusters (in this case the data is grouped in relation to the consumer preferences or logical relationships), classes (in this the data is stored and finds its use in the location of data in the per-determined groups), sequential patterns (in this case the data is used to estimate the behavioral patterns and patterns), and associations (data is used to identify associations).

In knowledge discovery, there are different levels of data analysis and they include genetic algorithms, artificial neural networks, nearest neighbor method, data visualization, decision trees, and rule induction. The level of analysis used depends on the data that is visualized and the output needed.

Nowadays, data extraction programs are readily available in different sizes from PC platforms, mainframe, and client/server. In the enterprise-wide uses, size ranges from the 10 GB to more than 11 TB. It is important to note that two crucial technological drivers are needed and are query complexity and, database size. When more data is needed to be processed and maintained, then a more powerful system is needed that can handle complex and greater queries.

With the emergence of professional data mining companies, the costs associated with process such as web data extraction, web scraping, web crawling and web data mining have greatly being made affordable.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Usefulness of Web Scraping Services

For any business or organization, surveys and market research play important roles in the strategic decision-making process. Data extraction and web scraping techniques are important tools that find relevant data and information for your personal or business use. Many companies employ people to copy-paste data manually from the web pages. This process is very reliable but very costly as it results to time wastage and effort. This is so because the data collected is less compared to the resources spent and time taken to gather such data.

Nowadays, various data mining companies have developed effective web scraping techniques that can crawl over thousands of websites and their pages to harvest particular information. The information extracted is then stored into a CSV file, database, XML file, or any other source with the required format. After the data has been collected and stored, data mining process can be used to extract the hidden patterns and trends contained in the data. By understanding the correlations and patterns in the data; policies can be formulated and thereby aiding the decision-making process. The information can also be stored for future reference.

The following are some of the common examples of data extraction process:

• Scrap through a government portal in order to extract the names of the citizens who are reliable for a given survey.
• Scraping competitor websites for feature data and product pricing
• Using web scraping to download videos and images for stock photography site or for website design

Automated Data Collection
It is important to note that web scraping process allows a company to monitor the website data changes over a given time frame. It also collects the data on a routine basis regularly. Automated data collection techniques are quite important as they help companies to discover customer trends and market trends. By determining market trends, it is possible to understand the customer behavior and predict the likelihood of how the data will change.

The following are some of the examples of the automated data collection:

• Monitoring price information for the particular stocks on hourly basis
• Collecting mortgage rates from the various financial institutions on the daily basis
• Checking on weather reports on regular basis as required

By using web scraping services it is possible to extract any data that is related to your business. The data can then be downloaded into a spreadsheet or a database for it to be analyzed and compared. Storing the data in a database or in a required format makes it easier for interpretation and understanding of the correlations and for identification of the hidden patterns.

Through web scraping it is possible to get quicker and accurate results and thus saving many resources in terms of money and time. With data extraction services, it is possible to fetch information about pricing, mailing, database, profile data, and competitors data on a consistent basis. With the emergence of professional data mining companies outsourcing your services will greatly reduce your costs and at the same time you are assured of high quality services.
