Saturday, June 27, 2015

Data Scraping - Enjoy the Appeal of the Hand Scraped Flooring

Hand scraped flooring is appreciated for the character it brings into the home. This style of flooring relies on hand scraped planks of wood and not the precise milled boards. The irregularities in the planks provide a certain degree of charm and help to create a more unique feature in the home.

Distressed vs. Hand scraped

There are two types of flooring in the market that have an aged and unique charm with a non perfect finish. However, there is a significant difference in the process used to manufacture the planks. The more standard distresses flooring is cut on a factory production line. The grooves, scratches, dents, or other irregularities in these planks are part of the manufacturing process and achieved by rolling or pressed the wood onto a patterned surface.

The real hand scraped planks are made by craftsmen and they work on each plant individually. By using this working technique, there is complete certainty that each plank will be unique in appearance.

Scraping the planks

The hand scraping process on the highest-quality planks is completed by the trained carpenter or craftsmen who will produce a high-quality end product and take great care in their workmanship. It can benefit to ask the supplier of the flooring to see who completes the work.

Beside the well scraped lumber, there are also those planks that have been bought from the less than desirable sources. This is caused by the increased demand for this type of flooring. At the lower end of the market the unskilled workers are used and the end results aren't so impressive.

The high-quality plank has the distinctive look that feels and functions perfectly well as solid flooring, while the low-quality work can appear quite ugly and cheap.

Even though it might cost a little bit more, it benefits to source the hardwood floor dealers that rely on the skilled workers to complete the scraping process.

Buying the right lumber

Once a genuine supplier is found, it is necessary to determine the finer aspects of the wooden flooring. This hand scraped flooring is available in several hardwoods, such as oak, cherry, hickory, and walnut. Plus, it comes in many different sizes and widths. A further aspect relates to the finish with darker colored woods more effective at highlighting the character of the scraped boards. This makes the shadows and lines appear more prominent once the planks have been installed at home.

Why not visit for the latest collection of luxury floor materials, including the Handscraped Hardwood Flooring.


Monday, June 22, 2015

Migrating Table-oriented Web Scraping Code to rvest w/XPath & CSS Selector Examples

My intrepid colleague (@jayjacobs) informed me of this (and didn’t gloat too much). I’ve got a “pirate day” post coming up this week that involves scraping content from the web and thought folks might benefit from another example that compares the “old way” and the “new way” (Hadley excels at making lots of “new ways” in R :-) I’ve left the output in with the code to show that you get the same results.

The following shows old/new methods for extracting a table from a web site, including how to use either XPath selectors or CSS selectors in rvest calls. To stave of some potential comments: due to the way this table is setup and the need to extract only certain components from the td blocks and elements from tags within the td blocks, a simple readHTMLTable would not suffice.

The old/new approaches are very similar, but I especially like the ability to chain output ala magrittr/dplyr and not having to mentally switch gears to XPath if I’m doing other work targeting the browser (i.e. prepping data for D3).

The code (sans output) is in this gist, and IMO the rvest package is going to make working with web site data so much easier.


# setup connection & grab HTML the "old" way w/httr

freak_get <- GET("")

freak_html <- htmlParse(content(freak_get, as="text"))

# do the same the rvest way, using "html_session" since we may need connection info in some scripts

freak <- html_session("")

# extracting the "old" way with xpathSApply

xpathSApply(freak_html, "//*/td[3]", xmlValue)[1:10]

##  [1] "Silver Linings Playbook "           "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey " "Life of Pi (DVDscr/DVDrip)"       

##  [4] "Argo (DVDscr)"                      "Identity Thief "                    "Red Dawn "                        

##  [7] "Rise Of The Guardians (DVDscr)"     "Django Unchained (DVDscr)"          "Lincoln (DVDscr)"                 

## [10] "Zero Dark Thirty "

xpathSApply(freak_html, "//*/td[1]", xmlValue)[2:11]

##  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"

xpathSApply(freak_html, "//*/td[4]", xmlValue)

##  [1] "7.4 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.3 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "5.3 / trailer" "7.5 / trailer"

##  [8] "8.8 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "7.6 / trailer"

xpathSApply(freak_html, "//*/td[4]/a[contains(@href,'imdb')]", xmlAttrs, "href")

##                                    href                                    href                                    href

##  ""  ""  ""

##                                    href                                    href                                    href

##  ""  ""  ""

##                                    href                                    href                                    href

##  ""  ""  ""

##                                    href

## ""

# extracting with rvest + XPath

freak %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[3]") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] "Silver Linings Playbook "           "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey " "Life of Pi (DVDscr/DVDrip)"       

##  [4] "Argo (DVDscr)"                      "Identity Thief "                    "Red Dawn "                        

##  [7] "Rise Of The Guardians (DVDscr)"     "Django Unchained (DVDscr)"          "Lincoln (DVDscr)"                 

## [10] "Zero Dark Thirty "

freak %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[1]") %>% html_text() %>% .[2:11]

##  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"

freak %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[4]") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] "7.4 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.3 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "5.3 / trailer" "7.5 / trailer"

##  [8] "8.8 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "7.6 / trailer"

freak %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[4]/a[contains(@href,'imdb')]") %>% html_attr("href") %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] ""  ""

##  [3] ""  ""

##  [5] ""  ""

##  [7] ""  ""

##  [9] ""  ""

# extracting with rvest + CSS selectors

freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(3)") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] "Silver Linings Playbook "           "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey " "Life of Pi (DVDscr/DVDrip)"       

##  [4] "Argo (DVDscr)"                      "Identity Thief "                    "Red Dawn "                        

##  [7] "Rise Of The Guardians (DVDscr)"     "Django Unchained (DVDscr)"          "Lincoln (DVDscr)"                 

## [10] "Zero Dark Thirty "

freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(1)") %>% html_text() %>% .[2:11]

##  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"

freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(4)") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] "7.4 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.3 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "5.3 / trailer" "7.5 / trailer"

##  [8] "8.8 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "7.6 / trailer"

freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(4) a[href*='imdb']") %>% html_attr("href") %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] ""  ""

##  [3] ""  ""

##  [5] ""  ""

##  [7] ""  ""

##  [9] ""  ""

# building a data frame (which is kinda obvious, but hey)

data.frame(movie=freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(3)") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10],

           rank=freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(1)") %>% html_text() %>% .[2:11],

           rating=freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(4)") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10],

           imdb.url=freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(4) a[href*='imdb']") %>% html_attr("href") %>% .[1:10],


##                                 movie rank        rating                              imdb.url

## 1            Silver Linings Playbook     1 7.4 / trailer

## 2  The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey     2 8.2 / trailer

## 3          Life of Pi (DVDscr/DVDrip)    3 8.3 / trailer

## 4                       Argo (DVDscr)    4 8.2 / trailer

## 5                     Identity Thief     5 8.2 / trailer

## 6                           Red Dawn     6 5.3 / trailer

## 7      Rise Of The Guardians (DVDscr)    7 7.5 / trailer

## 8           Django Unchained (DVDscr)    8 8.8 / trailer

## 9                    Lincoln (DVDscr)    9 8.2 / trailer

## 10                  Zero Dark Thirty    10 7.6 / trailer


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Web Scraping Services : Data Discovery vs. Data Extraction

Looking at screen-scraping at a simplified level, there are two primary stages involved: data discovery and data extraction. Data discovery deals with navigating a web site to arrive at the pages containing the data you want, and data extraction deals with actually pulling that data off of those pages. Generally when people think of screen-scraping they focus on the data extraction portion of the process, but my experience has been that data discovery is often the more difficult of the two.

The data discovery step in screen-scraping might be as simple as requesting a single URL. For example, you might just need to go to the home page of a site and extract out the latest news headlines. On the other side of the spectrum, data discovery may involve logging in to a web site, traversing a series of pages in order to get needed cookies, submitting a POST request on a search form, traversing through search results pages, and finally following all of the "details" links within the search results pages to get to the data you're actually after. In cases of the former a simple Perl script would often work just fine. For anything much more complex than that, though, a commercial screen-scraping tool can be an incredible time-saver. Especially for sites that require logging in, writing code to handle screen-scraping can be a nightmare when it comes to dealing with cookies and such.

In the data extraction phase you've already arrived at the page containing the data you're interested in, and you now need to pull it out of the HTML. Traditionally this has typically involved creating a series of regular expressions that match the pieces of the page you want (e.g., URL's and link titles). Regular expressions can be a bit complex to deal with, so most screen-scraping applications will hide these details from you, even though they may use regular expressions behind the scenes.

As an addendum, I should probably mention a third phase that is often ignored, and that is, what do you do with the data once you've extracted it? Common examples include writing the data to a CSV or XML file, or saving it to a database. In the case of a live web site you might even scrape the information and display it in the user's web browser in real-time. When shopping around for a screen-scraping tool you should make sure that it gives you the flexibility you need to work with the data once it's been extracted.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Web Scraping Services : Making Modern File Formats More Accessible

Data scraping is the process of automatically sorting through information contained on the internet inside html, PDF or other documents and collecting relevant information to into databases and spreadsheets for later retrieval. On most websites, the text is easily and accessibly written in the source code but an increasing number of businesses are using Adobe PDF format (Portable Document Format: A format which can be viewed by the free Adobe Acrobat software on almost any operating system. See below for a link.). The advantage of PDF format is that the document looks exactly the same no matter which computer you view it from making it ideal for business forms, specification sheets, etc.; the disadvantage is that the text is converted into an image from which you often cannot easily copy and paste. PDF Scraping is the process of data scraping information contained in PDF files. To PDF scrape a PDF document, you must employ a more diverse set of tools.

There are two main types of PDF files: those built from a text file and those built from an image (likely scanned in). Adobe's own software is capable of PDF scraping from text-based PDF files but special tools are needed for PDF scraping text from image-based PDF files. The primary tool for PDF scraping is the OCR program. OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, programs scan a document for small pictures that they can separate into letters. These pictures are then compared to actual letters and if matches are found, the letters are copied into a file. OCR programs can perform PDF scraping of image-based PDF files quite accurately but they are not perfect.

Once the OCR program or Adobe program has finished PDF scraping a document, you can search through the data to find the parts you are most interested in. This information can then be stored into your favorite database or spreadsheet program. Some PDF scraping programs can sort the data into databases and/or spreadsheets automatically making your job that much easier.

Quite often you will not find a PDF scraping program that will obtain exactly the data you want without customization. Surprisingly a search on Google only turned up one business, that will create a customized PDF scraping utility for your project. A handful of off the shelf utilities claim to be customizable, but seem to require a bit of programming knowledge and time commitment to use effectively. Obtaining the data yourself with one of these tools may be possible but will likely prove quite tedious and time consuming. It may be advisable to contract a company that specializes in PDF scraping to do it for you quickly and professionally.

Let's explore some real world examples of the uses of PDF scraping technology. A group at Cornell University wanted to improve a database of technical documents in PDF format by taking the old PDF file where the links and references were just images of text and changing the links and references into working clickable links thus making the database easy to navigate and cross-reference. They employed a PDF scraping utility to deconstruct the PDF files and figure out where the links were. They then could create a simple script to re-create the PDF files with working links replacing the old text image.

A computer hardware vendor wanted to display specifications data for his hardware on his website. He hired a company to perform PDF scraping of the hardware documentation on the manufacturers' website and save the PDF scraped data into a database he could use to update his webpage automatically.

PDF Scraping is just collecting information that is available on the public internet. PDF Scraping does not violate copyright laws.

PDF Scraping is a great new technology that can significantly reduce your workload if it involves retrieving information from PDF files. Applications exist that can help you with smaller, easier PDF Scraping projects but companies exist that will create custom applications for larger or more intricate PDF Scraping jobs.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

On-line directory tree webscraping

As you surf around the internet — particularly in the old days — you may have seen web-pages like this:

The former image is generated by Apache SVN server, and the latter is the plain directory view generated for UserDir on Apache.

In both cases you have a very primitive page that allows you to surf up and down the directory tree of the resource (either the SVN repository or a directory file system) and select links to resources that correspond to particular files.

Now, a file system can be thought of as a simple key-value store for these resources burdened by an awkward set of conventions for listing the keys where you keep being obstructed by the ‘/‘ character.

My objective is to provide a module that makes it easy to iterate through these directory trees and produce a flat table with the following helpful entries:

Although there is clearly redundant data between the fields url, abspath, fname, name, ext, having them in there makes it much easier to build a useful front end.

The function code (which I won’t copy in here) is at This contains the functions ParseSVNRevPage(url) and ParseSVNRevPageTree(url), both of which return dicts of the form:

{'url', 'rev', 'dirname', 'svnrepo',

 'contents':[{'url', 'abspath', 'fname', 'name', 'ext'}]}

I haven’t written the code for parsing the Apache Directory view yet, but for now we have something we can use.

I scraped the UK Cave Data Registry with this scraper which simply applies the ParseSVNRevPageTree() function to each of the links and glues the output into a flat array before saving it:

lrdata = ParseSVNRevPageTree(href)

ldata = [ ]

for cres in lrdata["contents"]:

    cres["svnrepo"], cres["rev"] = lrdata["svnrepo"], lrdata["rev"]

    ldata.append(cres)["svnrepo", "rev", "abspath"], ldata)

Now that we have a large table of links, we can make the cave image file viewer based on the query:

select abspath, url, svnrepo from swdata where ext=’.jpg’ order by abspath limit 500

By clicking on a reference to a jpg resource on the left, you can preview what it looks like on the right.

If you want to know why the page is muddy, a video of the conditions in which the data was gathered is here.

Image files are usually the most immediately interesting out of any unknown file system dump. And they can be made more interesting by associating meta-data with them (given that no convention for including interesting information in the EXIF sections of their file formats). This meta-data might be floating around in other files dumped into the same repository — eg in the form of links to them from html pages which relate to picture captions.

But that is a future scraping project for another time.


Friday, May 29, 2015

Data Scraping Services - Scraping Yelp Business Data With Python Scraping Script

Yelp is a great source of business contact information with details like address, postal code, contact information; website addresses etc. that other site like Google Maps just does not. Yelp also provides reviews about the particular business. The yelp business database can be useful for telemarketing, email marketing and lead generation.

Are you looking for yelp business details database? Are you looking for scraping data from yelp website/business directory? Are you looking for yelp screen scraping software? Are you looking for scraping the business contact information from the online Yelp? Then you are at the right place.

Here I am going to discuss how to scrape yelp data for lead generation and email marketing. I have made a simple and straight forward yelp data scraping script in python that can scrape data from yelp website. You can use this yelp scraper script absolutely free.

I have used urllib, BeautifulSoup packages. Urllib package to make http request and parsed the HTML using BeautifulSoup, used Threads to make the scraping faster.

Yelp Scraping Python Script

import urllib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re from threading import Thread #List of yelp urls to scrape url=['','','','','','','',''] i=0 #function that will do actual scraping job def scrape(ur): html = urllib.urlopen(ur).read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html) title = soup.find('h1',itemprop="name") saddress = soup.find('span',itemprop="streetAddress") postalcode = soup.find('span',itemprop="postalCode") print title.text print saddress.text print postalcode.text print "-------------------" threadlist = [] #making threads while i<len(url): t = Thread(target=scrape,args=(url[i],)) t.start() threadlist.append(t) i=i+1 for b in
threadlist: b.join()

import urllib

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import re

from threading import Thread

 #List of yelp urls to scrape



#function that will do actual scraping job

def scrape(ur):

           html = urllib.urlopen(ur).read()

          soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

       title = soup.find('h1',itemprop="name")

          saddress = soup.find('span',itemprop="streetAddress")

          postalcode = soup.find('span',itemprop="postalCode")

          print title.text

          print saddress.text

          print postalcode.text

          print "-------------------"

 threadlist = []

#making threads

while i<len(url):

          t = Thread(target=scrape,args=(url[i],))




for b in threadlist:


Recently I had worked for one German company and did yelp scraping project for them and delivered data as per their requirement. If you looking for scraping data from business directories like yelp then send me your requirement and I will get back to you with sample.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Data Mining Services

Data Mining Services, through its data mining services can mine required data for you from any of the available sources. Over the years, we have successfully catered to wide variety of outsource data mining requirements, which specifies our competency in dealing with your data mining requirements.

Based on your requirements, we can mine data from your preferred data sources, or we will use our own reliable sources to mine the data required by you. We have been using automated as well manual data mining strategies to deliver superior data mining services.

Types of data mining services delivered by us

With an extensive variety of data mining services provided by us, you will definitely be able to find the most perfect service package to cater to your requirements. Below listed are just some of the data mining services offered by us:

•    Web data mining
•    Data extraction
•    Data capture
•    Data gathering
•    Collection of required data
•    Validation of data

Outsource data mining requirements to us, and we are sure that the data mining India unit of Hi-Tech BPO Services will be able to formulate the most appropriate and cost effective solutions to include your entire requirements.

Highlights of our data mining services:

•    Most affordable rates
•    Dedicated data mining India unit
•    Latest data mining technologies used to mine all required data
•    Data will be mined, gathered, processed and validated as per your requirements
•    Mined data can be directly included into your database

Competitive advantage of using our data mining services

To mine accurate and relevant data, some level of internet knowledge is essential. And it would also consume a lot of your valuable time. With our data mining services, we will take care of all your data mining tasks, while you look after your business and its core functions.

The affordably priced data mining services delivered by the data mining India unit will also help you to save considerable amount of your money, which you can put into more productive purposes.


Monday, May 25, 2015

Improving performance for web scraping code

2 down vote favorite

I have a website in which the code scrapes other websites for getting the accurate data. While the code works good but there a decent lag in performance because the code firsts downloads the html stream from various sites(some times 9 websites), extracts the relative part and then renders the html page.

What should I do to get an optimal performance. Should I change from shared hosting (godaddy) to my own server or it has nothing to do with my hosting and I need to make changes to my code?

1 Answer


Ask those websites if they provide an API, or, if you don't need an up-to-date information or the information you need doesn't change frequently, if they can sell/give you for free the data itself (for example in an CSV file). Some small websites may have fancier ways to access data, like a CSV file for the older information, and an RSS feed for the changed one.

Those websites would probably be happy to help you, since providing you with an API would reduce their own CPU and bandwidth usage by you.


Screen scrapping is really ugly when it comes to performance and scaling. You may be limited by:

    your machine performance, since parsing, sometimes an invalid HTML file, takes time,

    your network speed,

    their network speed usage, i.e. how fast can you access the pages of their website depending on the restrictions they set, like the DOS protection and the number of requests per second for screen scrappers and search engine crawlers,

    their machine performance: if they spend 500 ms. to generate every page, you can't do anything to reduce this delay.

If, despite your requests to them, those websites cannot provide any convenient way to access their data, but they give you a written consent to screen scrape their website, then profile your code to determine the bottleneck. It may be the internet speed. It may be your database queries. It may be anything.

For example, you may discover that you spend too much time finding with regular expressions the relevant information in the received HTML. In that case, you would want to stop doing it wrong and use a parser instead of regular expressions, then see how this improve the performance.

You may also find that the bottleneck is the time the remote server spends generating every page. In this case, there is nothing to do: you may have the fastest server, the fastest connection and the most optimized code, the performance will be the same.

Do things in parallel:

Remember to use parallel computing wisely and to always profile what you're doing, instead of doing premature optimization, in hope that you're smarter than the profiler.

Especially when it comes to using network, you may be very surprised. For example, you may believe that making more requests in parallel will be faster, but as Steve Gibson explains in episode 345 of Security Now, this is not always the case.

Legal aspects

Also note that screen scrapping is explicitly forbidden by the conditions of use (like on IMDB) on many websites. And if nothing is said on this subject in conditions of use, it doesn't mean that you can screen scrape those websites.

The fact that the information is available publicly on the internet doesn't give you the right to copy and reuse it this way neither.

Why? you may ask. For two reasons:

    Most websites are relying on advertisement and marketing. When people use one of those websites directly, they waste some CPU/network bandwidth of the website, but in response, they may click on an ad or buy something sold on the website. When you screen scrape, your bot waste their CPU/network bandwidth, but will never click on an ad or buy something.

    Displaying the information you screen scrapped on your website can have even worse effects. Example: in France, there are two major websites selling hardware. The first one is easy and fast to use, has a nice visual design, better SEO, and in general is very well done. The second one is a crap, but the prices are lower. If you screen scrape them and give the raw results (prices with links) to your users, they will obviously click on the lower price every time, which means that the website with pretty design will have less chances to sell the products.

    People made an effort in collecting, processing and displaying some data. Sometimes they paid to get it. Why would they enjoy seeing you pulling this data conveniently and for free?


Saturday, May 23, 2015

How to prevent getting blacklisted while scraping

Crawlers can retrieve data much quicker and in greater depth than human searchers, so bad scraping practices can have some impact on the performance of the site.

Needless to say, if a single crawler is performing multiple requests per second and/or downloading large files, a under powered server would have a hard time keeping up with requests from multiple crawlers.

Since spiders don’t bring direct organic traffic and seemingly affect the performance of the site, most site admins hate spiders and do their best to prevent them.

Lets go through how websites detect and block spiders and also know the techniques to overcome those barriers.

Most websites don’t have anti scraping mechanisms since it would affect the user experience, but some sites do not believe in open data access.

Before going through this article always keep in mind that



A web server can use different mechanisms to detect a spider from a normal user. Here are some methods used by a site to detect a spider:

•    Unusual traffic/high download rate especially from a single client/or IP address within a short time span raises a bot alert.

•    Repetitive tasks done on website based on an assumption that a human user won’t perform the same repetitive tasks all the time.

•    The site has honeypot traps inside their pages, these honeypots are usually links which aren’t visible to a normal user but only to a spider . When a scraper/spider tries to access the link, the alarms are tripped.

Spend some time and investigate the anti-scraping mechanisms used by a site and build the spider accordingly, it will provide a better outcome in the long run and increase the longevity and robustness of your work.


Check the robots.txt file if it contains line like these, It means the site doesn’t like bots. However, since most sites want to be on Google (arguably the largest scraper of websites globally ;-)) they do allow access to bots and spiders.

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

This line is for preventing well-behaved bots or the bots which respect robots.txt.

Another way is CAPTCHAs irritating presence in the sites other than in authentication page.


There are two ways to ban a webspider, either by banning all accesses from a particular IP or by banning all accesses that use a specific id to access the server (most browsers and web spiders identify themselves whenever they request a page by user agents. Chrome browser for example uses Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.149 Safari/537.36

The banning can be temporary or permanent. Temporary blocks can last minutes or hours.


If any of the following symptoms appear on the site that you are crawling, it is a sign of being blocked or banned.

•    Showing CAPTCHA pages
•    Unusual content delivery delay
•    Frequent response with 404,301,500 errors,

also frequent appearance of these status codes are also indication of blocking.

•    401 Unauthorized
•    403 Forbidden
•    404 Not Found
•    408 Request Timeout
•    429 Too Many Requests


These are the best practices we can follow to overcome the detection.


Use auto throttling mechanisms, which will automatically throttle crawling speed based on the load on both spider and the website, you are crawling and also adjust the spider to optimum crawling speed. The faster you crawl, the worse it is for everyone.

Put some random sleeps in between requests, Add some delays after crawled number of pages. Choose the lowest number of concurrent requests possible. These techniques make the spider looks like a human being.


A server can easily detects a bot by checking the requests from a single IP address, So we use different IPs for making request to a server and detection rate become lesser. Make a pool of IPs that you can use and use random ones for each request.

There are several methods can be used to change the IP. Services like VPN ,shared proxies, TOR can help  and some third parties are also provides services for IP rotation.


Since every request made from a client end contains a user-agent header ,Using the same useragent multiple times leads to the detection of a bot. User agent spoofing is the best solution for this. Spoof the User agent by making a list of user agents and pick a random one for each request.

Websites do not want to block genuine users so you should try to look like one. Set your user-agent to a common web browser instead of using the library default (such as wget/version or urllib/version). You could even pretend to be the Google Bot: Googlebot/2.1; (

You can check your user-agent string here:

A good user-agent string list can be found here:


Some site designers put honeypot traps inside websites to detect web spiders, They may be links that normal user can’t see and a spider can.

When following links always take care that the link has proper visibility with no nofollow tag. Some honeypot links to detect spiders will be have the CSS style display:none or will be color disguised to blend in with the page’s background color.


Only robots follow the same crawling pattern,Sites that have intelligent anti-crawling mechanisms can easily detect spiders from finding pattern in their actions. Humans wont perform repetitive tasks a lot of times. Incorporate some random clicks on the page, mouse movements and random actions that will make a spider looks like a human client.

6. ALWAYS RESPECT THE robots.txt

All web spiders are supposed to follow rules that you place in a robots.txt file in a website, such as how frequently they are allowed to request pages, and from what directories they are allowed to crawl through. They should also be supplying a consistent valid User-Agent string that identifies the requests as a bot request.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How Web Data Extraction Services Impact Startups

Starting a business has its fair share of ebbs and flows – it can be extremely challenging to get a new business off the blocks, and extremely rewarding when everything goes according to plan and yields desired results. For startups, it is important to get the nuances of running a business right from day one. To succeed in an immensely competitive space, startups need to perform above and beyond expectation right from the start, and one of the factors that can be of great help during the growing years of a startup is web data extraction.

Web data extraction through crawling and scraping, a highly efficient information gathering process, can be used in many creative ways to bring about major change in the performance graph of a startup. With effective web data extraction services acquired by outsourcing to a reputed company, the business intelligence gathered and the numerous possibilities associated with it, web crawling and extraction services can indeed become the difference maker for a startup, propelling it to the heights of success.

What drives the success of web data extraction?

When it comes to figuring out the perfect, balanced web data collection methodology for startups, there are a lot of crucial factors that come into play. Some of these are associated with the technical aspects of data collection, the approach used, the time invested, and the tools involved. Others have more to do with the processing and analysis of collected information and its judicious use in formulating strategies to take things forward.

Web Crawling Services & Web Scraping Services

With the advent of highly professional web data extraction services providers, massive amounts of structured, relevant data can be gathered and stored in real time, and in time, productively used to further the business interests of a startup. As a new business owner, it is important to have a high-level knowledge of the modern and highly functional web scraping tools available for use. This will help to utilize the prowess of competent data extraction services. This in turn can assist both in the immediate and long-term revenue generation context.

Web Data Extraction for Startups

From the very beginning, the dynamics of startups is different from that of older, well-established businesses. The time taken by the new business entity in proving its capabilities and market position needs to be used completely and effectively. Every day of growth and learning needs to add up to make a substantial difference. In this period, every plan and strategy, every execution effort, and every move needs to be properly thought out.

In such a trying situation where there is little margin for error, it pays to have accurate, reliable, relevant and actionable business intelligence. This can put you in firm control of things by allowing you to make informed business decisions and formulate targeted, relevant and growth oriented business strategies. With powerful web crawling, the volume of data gathered is varied, accurate and relevant. This data can then be studied minutely, analyzed in detail and arranged into meaningful clusters. With this weapon in your arsenal, you can take your startup a long way with smart decisions and clever implementations.

Web data extraction is a task best handled by professionals who have had rich experience in the field. Often, in-house web scraping teams are difficult to assemble and not economically viable to maintain, especially for startups. For a better solution, you can outsource your web scraping needs to a reliable web data extraction service for data collection. This way, you can get all the relevant intelligence you need without overstraining your workforce or having to employ additional personnel to handle web scraping. The company you outsource your work to can easily scrape data from multiple sources as per your requirements, and furnish you with actionable business intelligence that can help you take a lead in a competitive market.

Different Ways for Startups to use Web Data Extraction

Web scraping can be employed for many different purposes to yield different kinds of relevant data that generate actionable insights. For a startup, the important decision is how to use this powerful technique to provide valuable information that can make a difference for the future prospects of the company. Here are some interesting possibilities when it comes to impactful web data extraction for startups –

Fishing for Social Rankings and Backlinks

One of the most important business processes for a startup is competition analysis. This is one area where web data extraction can come across as an invaluable enabler. In the past, many startups have effectively used web scraping to fish for backlinks and social rankings related to competing companies.

Backlinks are important to reach a greater mass of better-targeted audiences, which can go on to increase customer base with minimal efforts. Social ranking is also an immensely important factor, as social actions on the internet are building blocks of opinion and reputation generation in this day and age. Keeping this in mind, you can use web data extraction to scrape for social rankings and backlinks related to content generated by your competing companies. After careful analysis, it is possible to arrive at concrete conclusions regarding what your competitors are doing well, and what sells the best.

This information is gold for marketers and sales personnel, and can be used to discern exactly what needs to be done to increase social buzz, generate favorable opinion, and win over customers from your competitors. You can also use this technique to develop high authority backlinks that help with SEO, targeted reach and organic traffic for your business website. For competition analysis, web scraping is a formidable tool.

Sourcing Contact Information

Another important aspect of business that startups can never ignore is good networking. Whether it is with customers, prospective customers, industry peers, partners, or competitors, excellent networking and open, transparent communication is essential for the success of your startup. For effective communication and networking, you need a large, solid list of contact information pertaining to your exact requirements.

Scraping data from multiple web sources gives you the perfect method of achieving this. With automated, fast web scraping, you can in a short time collect a wealth of important contact information that can be leveraged in many different ways. Whether it is the formation of lasting business relationships or making potential customers aware of what you have on offer, this information has the power to propel your startup to new levels of recognition.

For Ecommerce

If you sell your products and services online and want to stay on top of the competition when it comes to variety, pricing analysis, and special deals and offers, web scraping is the way to go. For many e-commerce startups, the problem of high CTR and low conversion is a stumbling block to higher bottom lines. To remedy problems like these and to ensure better sales, it is always a good idea to have a clear insight about your competition.

Future of Retail Industry

With web data extraction, you can be always aware of what competing companies are doing in terms of pricing strategies, product diversity and special customer offers. By considering that information while evaluating and cementing your own strategies, you can always ensure that you provide better value and range of products and services than your competitors, and therefore stay ahead of the competition.

For Marketing, Brand Promotion and Advertisement

For startups, the first wave of promotion and marketing is the one that holds the key to your long-term business success. It is during this phase that the first and most important public perception of your company is formed, and the rudiments of public opinion start taking shape. For this reason, it is crucial to be on point with your marketing and promotion during the early, formative years of your business.

To achieve this, you need a clear, in-depth understanding of your target audience. You need to categorize your target audience on the basis of many factors like age, gender, demographics, income groups and tastes and preferences. Such detailed understanding can only be possible when you have a large wealth of social data pertaining to your target audience. There is no better way of achieving this than by web data extraction.

Love your brand

With the help of data extraction services, you can gather large chunks of relevant data regarding your target audience which can help you accurately evaluate the potential of each prospective customers as a possible addition to your business family. To ensure that you have a steady, early wave of customers to take your business off the blocks at a rapid pace, you need to devise marketing campaigns, promotional strategies and advertisements in accordance with the customer knowledge you drive through your web scraping efforts. This is a foolproof strategy to have marketing and promotional plans in place that achieve goals, bring in new business and provide your company with enough initial momentum to carry it through the later years of success.

To conclude, web data extraction can be a veritable tool in the hands of a startup. With the proper use and leveraging of this technique, your startup can gather the required business intelligence to shine in a competitive market and become a favorite with the customer base. Working with the right web data extraction company can be one of the most important business decisions you make as a startup owner.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Web Scraping Services Are Important Tools For Knowledge

Data extraction and web scraping techniques are important tools to find relevant data and information for personal or business use. Many companies, self-employed to copy and paste data from web pages. This process is very reliable, but very expensive as it is a waste of time and effort to get results. This is because the data collected and spent less resources and time required to collect these data are compared.

At present, several mining companies and their websites effective web scraping technique specifically for the thousands of pages of information developed culture can be traced. The information from a CSV file, database, XML file, or any other source with the required format is alameda. understanding of correlations and patterns in the data, so that policies can be designed to assist decision making. The information can also be stored for future reference.

The following are some common examples of data extraction process:

In order to rule through a government portal, citizens who are reliable for a given survey name removed.

Competitive pricing and data products include scraping websites

To access the web site or web design Stock download the videos and photos of scratching

Automatic Data Collection

It regularly collects data on a regular basis. Automated data collection techniques are very important because they find the company’s customer trends and market trends to help. By determining market trends, it is possible to understand customer behavior and predict the likelihood of the data will change.

The following are some examples of automated data collection:

Monitoring of special hourly rates for stocks

collects daily mortgage rates from various financial institutions

on a regular basis is necessary to check the weather

By using web scraping services, you can extract all data related to your business. Then analyzed the data to a spreadsheet or database can be downloaded and compared. Storing data in a database or in a required format and interpretation of the correlations to understand and makes it easier to identify hidden patterns.

Data extraction services, it is possible pricing, email, databases, profile data, and consistently to competitors for information about the data. Different techniques and processes designed to collect and analyze data, and has developed over time. Web Scraping for business processes that have beaten the market recently is one. It is a process from various sources such as websites and databases with large amounts of data provides.

Some of the most common methods used to scrape web crawling, text, fun, DOM analysis and include matching expression. After the process is only analyzers, HTML pages or meaning can be achieved through annotations. There are many different ways of scaling data, but more importantly is working toward the same goal. The main purpose of using web scraping service to retrieve and compile data in databases and web sites. In the business world is to remain relevant to the business process.

The central question about the relevance of web scraping contact. The process is relevant to the business world? The answer is yes. The fact that it is used by large companies in the world and many awards speaks derivatives.


Sunday, May 3, 2015

Lawyers & Attorneys Website Data Scraping Services

There are so many instances where one end’s up needing information from lawyers or bar associations. However, if you approach them directly or look for other ways to get information it might either be difficult or you might not get the information you are looking for. Thus, the best way to go about the scraping lawyer data.

Scraping lawyer data allow you to get information from various attorney websites, bar association websites, or other related websites. Using web scraping tools for getting such information makes it much easier to get all the relevant and important information without actually having to worry about the same.

If you wish to scrape data from lawyer, you are entitled to information such as lawyer name, firm names, address, contact details, history about the lawyers, educational qualifications, the bar association they are part of and much more.

Scraping lawyer data ensure that you also have images of the lawyer you are concentrating on. The result of scrape data form lawyer can be obtained in any format the user wants such as csv, excel, MySql etc. Scraping lawyer data also ensures that none of the information provided are repetitive or redundant.

If you are in need of information regarding any lawyer such as their contact details, address etc. it could end up being a huge and difficult task to get it manually or physically. Thus, taking off the help of scraping tools would ensure that you get all the needed information without actually having to bother about anything at all. The presence of lots of attorney websites and the fact that more and more lawyers are moving to the internet makes getting information easy with the help of some great tools. Scraping data is a very useful and handy method in which one can get all the required and relevant information and that too in a very easy to read format, which makes the method even worthier.

There are quite a few tools or services that you can take help of to get lawyers data scraped. Most of these services also provide with a sample demo and that free of cost. From the sample one can decide if they wish to continue with the services or try some other services. Thus, if you want any information from attorney websites or information about any lawyers, data scraping is a great way to get the same.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Web Scraping – An Illegal Activity or Simple Data Collection?

Gone are the days when skillful extraction of information pertaining to real estate such as foreclosures, homes for sale, or mortgage records was considered difficult. Now, it is not only easy to extract data from real estate websites but also scrape real estate data on a consistent basis to add more value to your portal, or ensure that updated data is available to your visitors at all times. From downloading actual scanned documents in the form of PDF files to scraping websites for deeds or mortgages, smartly designer data extraction tools can do it all.

However, the one question that still manages to come to the front in the minds of those who scrape real estate listings and others are whether the act is illegal in nature or a simple way of collecting data.

Take a look.

Web Scraping—What is it?

Generally speaking, web scraping refers to programs that are designed to simulate human internet surfing and access websites on behalf of their users. These tools are effective in collecting large quantities of data that are otherwise difficult for end users to access. They process semi-structured or unstructured data pages of targeted websites and transform available data into a more structured format that can be extracted or manipulated by the user easily.

Quite similar to web indexing that is used by search engines, the end motivation of web scraping is much different. While web indexing makes search engines far more efficient, the latter is used for reasons like market research, change detection, data monitoring, or in some events, theft. But then, it is not always a bad thing. You just need to know if a website allows web scraping before proceeding with the act.

Fine Line between Stealing and Collecting Information

Web scraping rides an extremely fine line between the acts of collecting relevant information and stealing the same. The websites that have copyright disclosure statements in place to protect their website information are offended by outsiders raiding their data without due permission. In other words, it amounts to trespassing on their portal, which is unacceptable—both ethically and legally. So, it is very important for you to read all disclosure statements carefully and follow along in the right way. As web scraping cases may turn into felony offenses, it is best to guard against any kind of scrupulous activity and take permission before scraping data.

The Good News

However, all is not grey in data extraction processes. Reputed agencies are helping their clients scrape valuable data for gaining more value through legal means and carefully used tools. If you are looking for such services, then do get in touch with a reliable web scraping company of your choice and take your business to the next levels of success.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

I Don’t Need No Stinking API: Web Scraping For Fun and Profit

If you’ve ever needed to pull data from a third party website, chances are you started by checking to see if they had an official API. But did you know that there’s a source of structured data that virtually every website on the internet supports automatically, by default?

scraper toolThat’s right, we’re talking about pulling our data straight out of HTML — otherwise known as web scraping. Here’s why web scraping is awesome:

Any content that can be viewed on a webpage can be scraped. Period.

If a website provides a way for a visitor’s browser to download content and render that content in a structured way, then almost by definition, that content can be accessed programmatically. In this article, I’ll show you how.

Over the past few years, I’ve scraped dozens of websites — from music blogs and fashion retailers to the USPTO and undocumented JSON endpoints I found by inspecting network traffic in my browser.

There are some tricks that site owners will use to thwart this type of access — which we’ll dive into later — but they almost all have simple work-arounds.

Why You Should Scrape

But first we’ll start with some great reasons why you should consider web scraping first, before you start looking for APIs or RSS feeds or other, more traditional forms of structured data.

Websites are More Important Than APIs

The biggest one is that site owners generally care way more about maintaining their public-facing visitor website than they do about their structured data feeds.

We’ve seen it very publicly with Twitter clamping down on their developer ecosystem, and I’ve seen it multiple times in my projects where APIs change or feeds move without warning.

Sometimes it’s deliberate, but most of the time these sorts of problems happen because no one at the organization really cares or maintains the structured data. If it goes offline or gets horribly mangled, no one really notices.

Whereas if the website goes down or is having issues, that’s a more of an in-your-face, drop-everything-until-this-is-fixed kind of problem, and gets dealt with quickly.

No Rate-Limiting

Another thing to think about is that the concept of rate-limiting is virtually non-existent for public websites.

Aside from the occasional captchas on sign up pages, most businesses generally don’t build a lot of defenses against automated access. I’ve scraped a single site for over 4 hours at a time and not seen any issues.

Unless you’re making concurrent requests, you probably won’t be viewed as a DDOS attack, you’ll just show up as a super-avid visitor in the logs, in case anyone’s looking.

Anonymous Access

There are also fewer ways for the website’s administrators to track your behavior, which can be useful if you want gather data more privately.

With APIs, you often have to register to get a key and then send along that key with every request. But with simple HTTP requests, you’re basically anonymous besides your IP address and cookies, which can be easily spoofed.

The Data’s Already in Your Face

Web scraping is also universally available, as I mentioned earlier. You don’t have to wait for a site to open up an API or even contact anyone at the organization. Just spend some time browsing the site until you find the data you need and figure out some basic access patterns — which we’ll talk about next.

Let’s Get to Scraping

So you’ve decided you want to dive in and start grabbing data like a true hacker. Awesome.

Just like reading API docs, it takes a bit of work up front to figure out how the data is structured and how you can access it. Unlike APIs however, there’s really no documentation so you have to be a little clever about it.

I’ll share some of the tips I’ve learned along the way.

Fetching the Data

So the first thing you’re going to need to do is fetch the data. You’ll need to start by finding your “endpoints” — the URL or URLs that return the data you need.

If you know you need your information organized in a certain way — or only need a specific subset of it — you can browse through the site using their navigation. Pay attention to the URLs and how they change as you click between sections and drill down into sub-sections.

The other option for getting started is to go straight to the site’s search functionality. Try typing in a few different terms and again, pay attention to the URL and how it changes depending on what you search for. You’ll probably see a GET parameter like q= that always changes based on you search term.

Try removing other unnecessary GET parameters from the URL, until you’re left with only the ones you need to load your data. Make sure that there’s always a beginning ? to start the query string and a & between each key/value pair.

Dealing with Pagination

At this point, you should be starting to see the data you want access to, but there’s usually some sort of pagination issue keeping you from seeing all of it at once. Most regular APIs do this as well, to keep single requests from slamming the database.

Usually, clicking to page 2 adds some sort of offset= parameter to the URL, which is usually either the page number or else the number of items displayed on the page. Try changing this to some really high number and see what response you get when you “fall off the end” of the data.

With this information, you can now iterate over every page of results, incrementing the offset parameter as necessary, until you hit that “end of data” condition.

The other thing you can try doing is changing the “Display X Per Page” which most pagination UIs now have. Again, look for a new GET parameter to be appended to the URL which indicates how many items are on the page.

Try setting this to some arbitrarily large number to see if the server will return all the information you need in a single request. Sometimes there’ll be some limits enforced server-side that you can’t get around by tampering with this, but it’s still worth a shot since it can cut down on the number of pages you must paginate through to get all the data you need.

AJAX Isn’t That Bad!

Sometimes people see web pages with URL fragments # and AJAX content loading and think a site can’t be scraped. On the contrary! If a site is using AJAX to load the data, that probably makes it even easier to pull the information you need.

The AJAX response is probably coming back in some nicely-structured way (probably JSON!) in order to be rendered on the page with Javscript.

All you have to do is pull up the network tab in Web Inspector or Firebug and look through the XHR requests for the ones that seem to be pulling in your data.

Once you find it, you can leave the crufty HTML behind and focus instead on this endpoint, which is essentially an undocumented API.

(Un)structured Data?

Now that you’ve figured out how to get the data you need from the server, the somewhat tricky part is getting the data you need out of the page’s markup.

Use CSS Hooks

In my experience, this is usually straightforward since most web designers litter the markup with tons of classes and ids to provide hooks for their CSS.

You can piggyback on these to jump to the parts of the markup that contain the data you need.

Just right click on a section of information you need and pull up the Web Inspector or Firebug to look at it. Zoom up and down through the DOM tree until you find the outermost <div> around the item you want.

This <div> should be the outer wrapper around a single item you want access to. It probably has some class attribute which you can use to easily pull out all of the other wrapper elements on the page. You can then iterate over these just as you would iterate over the items returned by an API response.

A note here though: the DOM tree that is presented by the inspector isn’t always the same as the DOM tree represented by the HTML sent back by the website. It’s possible that the DOM you see in the inspector has been modified by Javascript — or sometime even the browser, if it’s in quirks mode.

Once you find the right node in the DOM tree, you should always view the source of the page (“right click” > “View Source”) to make sure the elements you need are actually showing up in the raw HTML.

This issue has caused me a number of head-scratchers.

Get a Good HTML Parsing Library

It is probably a horrible idea to try parsing the HTML of the page as a long string (although there are times I’ve needed to fall back on that). Spend some time doing research for a good HTML parsing library in your language of choice.

Most of the code I write is in Python, and I love BeautifulSoup for its error handling and super-simple API. I also love its motto:

    You didn’t write that awful page. You’re just trying to get some data out of it. Beautiful Soup is here to help. :)

You’re going to have a bad time if you try to use an XML parser since most websites out there don’t actually validate as properly formed XML (sorry XHTML!) and will give you a ton of errors.

A good library will read in the HTML that you pull in using some HTTP library (hat tip to the Requests library if you’re writing Python) and turn it into an object that you can traverse and iterate over to your heart’s content, similar to a JSON object.

Some Traps To Know About

I should mention that some websites explicitly prohibit the use of automated scraping, so it’s a good idea to read your target site’s Terms of Use to see if you’re going to make anyone upset by scraping.

For two-thirds of the website I’ve scraped, the above steps are all you need. Just fire off a request to your “endpoint” and parse the returned data.

But sometimes, you’ll find that the response you get when scraping isn’t what you saw when you visited the site yourself.

When In Doubt, Spoof Headers

Some websites require that your User Agent string is set to something they allow, or you need to set certain cookies or other headers in order to get a proper response.

Depending on the HTTP library you’re using to make requests, this is usually pretty straightforward. I just browse the site in my web browser and then grab all of the headers that my browser is automatically sending. Then I put those in a dictionary and send them along with my request.

Note that this might mean grabbing some login or other session cookie, which might identify you and make your scraping less anonymous. It’s up to you how serious of a risk that is.

Content Behind A Login

Sometimes you might need to create an account and login to access the information you need. If you have a good HTTP library that handles logins and automatically sending session cookies (did I mention how awesome Requests is?), then you just need your scraper login before it gets to work.

Note that this obviously makes you totally non-anonymous to the third party website so all of your scraping behavior is probably pretty easy to trace back to you if anyone on their side cared to look.

Rate Limiting

I’ve never actually run into this issue myself, although I did have to plan for it one time. I was using a web service that had a strict rate limit that I knew I’d exceed fairly quickly.

Since the third party service conducted rate-limiting based on IP address (stated in their docs), my solution was to put the code that hit their service into some client-side Javascript, and then send the results back to my server from each of the clients.

This way, the requests would appear to come from thousands of different places, since each client would presumably have their own unique IP address, and none of them would individually be going over the rate limit.

Depending on your application, this could work for you.

Poorly Formed Markup

Sadly, this is the one condition that there really is no cure for. If the markup doesn’t come close to validating, then the site is not only keeping you out, but also serving a degraded browsing experience to all of their visitors.

It’s worth digging into your HTML parsing library to see if there’s any setting for error tolerance. Sometimes this can help.

If not, you can always try falling back on treating the entire HTML document as a long string and do all of your parsing as string splitting or — God forbid — a giant regex.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hard-Scraped Hardwood Flooring: Restoration of History

Throughout History hardwood flooring has undergone dramatic changes from the meticulous hard-scraped hardwood polished floors of majestic plantations of the Deep South, to modern day technology providing maintenance free wood flooring designed for comfort and appearance. The hand-scraped hardwood floors of the South, depicted charm with old rustic nature and character that was often associated with this time era. To date, hand-scraped hardwood flooring is being revitalized and used in up-scale homes and places of businesses to restore the old country charm that once faded into oblivion.

As the name implies, hand-scraped flooring involves the retexturing the top layer of flooring material by various methods in an attempts to mimic the rustic appearance of flooring in yesteryears. Depending on the degree of texture required, hand scraping hardwood material is often accomplished by highly skilled craftsmen with specialized tools and years of experience perfecting this procedure. When properly done, hand-scraped hardwood floors add texture, richness and uniqueness not offered in any similar hardwood flooring product.

Rooted with history, these types of floors are available in finished or unfinished surfaces. The majority of the individuals selecting hand-scraped hardwood flooring elect a prefinished floor to reduce costs per square foot in installation and finishing labor charges, allowing for budget guidelines to bend, not break. As expected, hand-scraped flooring is expensive and depending on the grade and finish selected, can range from $15-40$ per square foot and beyond for material only. Preparation of the material is labor intensive adding to the overall cost per square foot dramatically. Recommended professional installation can and often does increase the cost per square foot as well, placing this method of hardwood flooring well out of reach of the average hardwood floor purchaser.

With numerous selections of hand-scraped finishes available, each finish is designed to bring out a different appearance making it a one-of-a-kind work of art. These numerous finish selections include:

• Time worn aged, dark coloring stain application bringing out grain characteristics

• Wire brushed, providing a highlighted "grainy" effect with obvious rough texture

• Hand sculpted, smoother distressed uniform appearance

• French Bleed, staining of edges and side joints with a much darker stain to give a bleeding effect to the wood

• Hand Hewn or Rough Sawn, with visible and noticeable saw marks

Regardless of the selection made, scraped flooring cannot be compared to any other available flooring material based on durability, strength and visual appearance. Limited by only the imagination and creativity, several wood species can be used to create unusual floor patterns, highlighting main focal points of personal libraries and art collections.

The precise process utilized in the creation of scraped floors projects a custom look with deep color and subtle warm highlights. With radiant natural light reflecting off this type of floor, the effect of beauty and depth is radiated in a fashion that fills the room with solitude and serenity encompassing all that enter. Hand-scraped hardwood floors speak of the past, a time of decent, a time or war and ambiguity towards other races and the blood- shed so that all men could be treated as equals. More than exquisite flooring, hand-scraped hardwood flooring is the restoration of History.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Data Mining and Predictive Analysis

Data collection and curing is the core foundation of most businesses. Database building thus is an important function and activity where enterprises invest heavily. With information now available on the Internet and easily obtained, it raises the importance of having professionals who crawl data and offer web scraping services.

Once the data is accessed, though, it is important to filter out the relevant data based on the business need. Although Many DaaS provider convert the unstructured web data into meaningful structured data it is recommended to be internally equipped to use the data to its maximum.

This understanding has given rise to the field of Data Mining. Data Mining is designed to explore large amounts of data in search of consistent patterns and connections between the variables and validate the findings by applying the detected patterns to the new sets of the data. Once these connections are established and understood, the end goal is to be able to predict the possible outcomes using predictive analysis techniques.

Together, both Data Mining and predictive analysis aid in making marketing campaigns more efficient. While predictive analysis helps simulate and understand what may happen, data mining helps identify exciting data patterns and connections.

The process of Data Mining and Predictive analysis consists of 3 steps


Once a database is compiled, it needs to be cleaned, analysed and potential connections need to be built. This process involves filtering the relevant data and identifying the possible predictors. Data Exploration also sets a premise for preliminary feature selection to manage number of variables. This data is then prepared for statistical analysis using a wide variety of graphical and statistical parameters. This helps identify the most relevant variables and setups the predictive models to be built.

Data mining process


Next comes building various models and choosing the most relevant ones. This decision is based on their possible predictive performance and of being able to produce stable results across all the samples. Simple as it sounds, to truly get the results, all possible models must be treated with data to simulate scenarios. The model with most stable statistical feature is validated.


Once the relevant models are finalised, the same is applied to new data to understand and predict the estimated outcomes. Application of data models is an ongoing and complex process since every new dataset needs to be configured in the model.

Data Mining and predictive analysis essentially involves blending statistical methodology where the traditional statistics machine learning and complex algorithms. This greatly increases the need for efficient and skilled data handlers. This could include data analysts and scientists.

See how you can become data scientist here:

Data crunchers use data mining and predictive analysis actively to get an edge in the big data management. Database platforms like Hadoop assist in database management and large-scale distribution. But the costs involved in setting up data centres and big data management capacity are high. Budgets allocated within the enterprise are more project-focussed and analytics budgets are usually limited. Quite often, big data and analytics project fail to launch because of this problem! The other problem is that to run effective predictive models, data requires to be handled by scientists with experience. Finding and setting together a technologically-advanced team is a daunting task most enterprises face outside the tech domain.

Predictive Analysis model

A predictive analysis model is essentially predicting the all possible outcomes from a given set of data. Here are a few steps that can be taken to help build and identify the “ideal” predictive analysis model. These steps more or less mirror the usual statistical methodology of building a test model.

Defining an objective

This is the first and a critical step. Unless the objective is identified and defined there can be no concrete results since there wouldn’t be clarity to compare the final outcome to the expected result. It also helps understand the scope of the project.

Preparing the data

This is more to do with data mining. Historic data used for training the model is scattered across multiple platforms and sources. To compound the problem, data can be unstructured with possible duplicate accounts and missing values! Data quality determines the quality of the model, and thus it becomes imperative that data is healthy and relevant.

Data Sampling

Once mined, Data is essentially split into 2 parts. One set is for training that is used to build the model and the second is the ‘test’ set that is used to verify the accuracy of the final output. This also helps identify and filter the noise component.

Model Building

Sampling cam equally result in a single algorithm or parallel & connected algorithms. In such a case the data goes through multiple testing and a decision is based on the final output.


Once a model gets finalised, the other teams in the organization need to be involved to build a deployable model and understand its impact on the overall business.

The possibilities with Data mining & Predictive analysis are huge. It also gives a huge room for learning and experimenting. There are several tools available in the industry to aid through all the steps of data mining and predictive analysis. The combination of human expertise and intellect along with the help of the available tools and the overall cooperation within the multiple channels within the organization essentially ensures a stronger grip on the ability to build a solid predictive model.

When used together, predictive analytics and data mining help marketing professionals anticipate and get ready for customer needs, rather than just reacting to them.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Nasty Problem with Scraping Results from the Engines

One theme that I've been concerned with this week centers around data transparency in the search engine world. Search engines provide information that is critical to the business of optimizing and growing a business on the web, yet barriers to this data currently force many companies to use methods of data extraction that violate the search engines' terms of service.

Specifically, we're talking about two pieces of information that no large-scale, successful web operation should be without. These include rankings (the position of their site(s) vs. their competitors) for important keywords and link data (currently provided most accurately through Yahoo!, but also available through MSN and in lower quality formats from Google).

Why do marketers and businesses need this data so badly? First we'll look at rankings:

•    For large sites in particular, rankings across the board will go up or down based on their actions and the actions of their competition. Any serious company who fails to monitor tweaks to their site, public relations, press and optimization tactics in this way will lose out to competitors who do track this data and, thus, can make intelligent business decisions based on it.

•    Rankings provide a benchmark that helps companies estimate their global reach in the search results and make predictions about whether certain areas of extension or growth make logical sense. If a company must decide on how to expand their content or what new keywords to target or even if they can compete in new markets, the business intelligence that can be extracted from large swaths of ranking data is critical.

•    Rankings can be mapped directly to traffic, allowing companies to consider advertising, extending their reach or forming partnerships

And, on the link data side:

•    Temporal link information allows marketers to see what effects certain link building, public relations and press efforts have on a site's link profile. Although some of this data is available through referring links in analytics programs, many folks are much more interested in the links that search engines know about and count, which often includes many more than those that pass traffic (and also ignores/doesn't count some that do pass traffic).

•    Link data may provide references for reputation management or tracking of viral campaigns - again, items that analytics don't entirely encompass.

•    Competitive link data may be of critical importance to many marketers - this information can't be tracked any other way.

I admit it. SEOmoz is a search engine scraper - we do it for our free public tools, for our internal research and we've even considered doing it for clients (though I'm seriously concerned about charging for data that's obtained outside TOS). Many hundreds of large firms in the search space (including a few that are 10-20X our size) do it, too. Why? Because search engine APIs aren't accurate.

Let's look at each engine's abilities and data sources individually. Since we've got a few hundred thousand points of data (if not more) on each, we're in a good position to make calls about how these systems are working.

Google (all APIs listed here):

•    Search SOAP API - provides ranking results that are massively different from almost every datacenter. The information is often less than useless, it's actually harmful, since you'll get a false sense of what's happening with your positions.

•    AJAX Search API - This is really designed to be integrated with your website, and the results can be of good quality for that purpose, but it really doesn't serve the job of providing good stats reporting.

•    AdSense & AdWords APIs - In all honesty, we haven't played around with these, but the fact that neither will report the correct order of the ads, nor will they show more than 8 ads at a time tells me that if a marketer needed this type of data, the APIs wouldn't work.

Yahoo! (APIs listed here):

•    Search API - Provides ranking information that is a somewhat accurate map to Yahoo!'s actual rankings, but is occassionally so far off-base that they're not reliable. Our data points show a lot more congruity with Yahoo!'s than Google's, but not nearly enough when compared with scraped results to be valuable to marketers and businesses.

•    Site Explorer API - Shows excellent information as far as number of pages indexed on a site and the link data that Yahoo! knows about. We've been comparing this information with that from scraped Yahoo! search results (for queries like linkdomain: and site:) and those at the Site Explorer page and find that there's very little quality difference in the results returned, though the best estimate numbers can still be found through a last page search of results.

•    Search Marketing API - I haven't played with this one at all, so I'd love to hear comments from those who have.


•    Doesn't mind scraping as long as you use the RSS results. We do, we love them and we commend MSN for giving them out - bravo! They've also got a web search SDK program, but we've yet to give it a whirl. The only problem is the MSN estimates, which are so far off as to be useless. The links themselves, though, are useful.

•    Though it's somewhat hidden, the page allows for scraping of results and Ask doesn't seem to mind, though they haven't explicitly said anything. Again, bravo! - the results look solid, accurate and match up against the queries. Now, if Ask would only provide links

I know a lot of you are probably asking:

•    "Rand, if scraping is working, why do you care about the search engines fixing the APIs?"

•    The straight answer is that scraping hurts the search engines, hurts their users and isn't the most practical way to get the data. Let me give you some examples:

•    Scraped queries have to look as much like real users as possible to avoid detection and banning - thus, they affect the query data that search engineers use to improve web search.

•    These queries also hit advertisers - falsifying the number of "real" impressions that advertisers see and lowering their CTRs unnaturally.

•    They take up search engine resources and though even the heaviest scraping barely impacts their server loads, it's still an annoyance.

•    With all these negative elements, and so many positive incentives to have the data, it's clear what's needed - a way for marketers/businesses to get the data they need without hurting the search engines. Here's how they can do it:

•    Provide the search ranking position of a site in the referral string - this works for ranking data, but not for link data and since Yahoo! (and Google) both send referrals through re-directs at times, it wouldn't be a hard piece to add.

•    Make the API's accurate, complete and unlimited

•    If the last option is too ambitious, the search engines could charge for API queries - anyone who needs the data would be more than happy to pay for it. This might help with quality control, too.

•    For link data - serve up accurate, wholistic data in programs like Google Sitemaps and Yahoo! Search Submit (or even, Google Analytics). Obviously, you'd only get information about your own site after verifying.

I've talked to lots of people at the search engine level about making changes this week (including Jeremy, Priyank, Matt, Adam, Aaron, Brett and more). I can only hope for the best...


Sunday, April 5, 2015

How to Generate Sales Leads Using Web Scraping Services

The first stage of any selling process is what is popularly known as “lead generation”. This phase is what most businesses place at the apex of their sales concerns. It is a driving force that governs decision-making at its highest levels, and influences business strategy and planning. If you are about to embark on an outbound sales campaign and are in the process of looking for leads, you would acknowledge the fact that lead generation process is of extreme importance for any business.

Different lead generation techniques have been used over and over again by companies around the world to satiate this growing business need. Newer, more innovative methods have also emerged to help marketers in this process. One such method of lead generation that is fast catching on, and is poised to play a big role for businesses in the coming years, is web scraping. With web scraping, you can easily get access to multiple relevant and highly customized leads – a perfect starting point for any marketing, promotional or sales campaign.

The prominence of Web Scraping in overall marketing strategy

At present, levels of competition have risen sky high for most businesses. For success, lead generation and gaining insight about customer behavior and preferences is an essential business requirement. Web scraping is the process of scraping or mining the internet for information. Different tools and techniques can be used to harvest information from multiple internet sources based on relevance, and the structured and organized in a way that makes sense to your business. Companies that provide web scraping services essentially use web scrapers to generate a targeted lead database that your company can then integrate into its marketing and sales strategies and plans.

The actual process of web scraping involves creating scraping scripts or algorithms which crawl the web for information based on certain preset parameters and options. The scraping process can be customized and tuned towards finding the kind of data that your business needs. The script can extract data from websites automatically, collate and put together a meaningful collection of leads for business development.

Lead Generation Basics

At a very high level, any person who has the resources and the intent to purchase your product or service qualifies as a lead. In the present scenario, you need to go far deeper than that. Marketers need to observe behavior patterns and purchasing trends to ensure that a particular person qualifies as a lead. If you have a group of people you are targeting, you need to decide who the viable leads will be, acquire their contact information and store it in a database for further action.

List buying used to be a popular way to get leads, but their efficacy has dwindled over time. Web scraping is the fast coming up as a feasible lead generation technique, allowing you to find highly focused and targeted leads in short amounts of time. All you need is a service provider that would carry out the data mining necessary for lead generation, and you end up with a list of actionable leads that you can try selling to.

How Web Scraping makes a substantial difference

With web scraping, you can extract valuable predictive information from websites. Web scraping facilitates high quality data collection and allows you to structure marketing and sales campaigns better. To drive sales and maximize revenue, you need strong, viable leads. To facilitate this, you need critical data which encompasses customer behavior, contact details, buying patterns and trends, willingness and ability to spend resources, and a myriad of other aspects critical to ascertain the potential of an entity as a rewarding lead. Data mining through web scraping can be a great way to get to these factors and identifying the leads that would make a difference for your business.


Crawling through many different web locales using different techniques, web scraping services pick up a wealth of information. This highly relevant and specialized information instantly provides your business with actionable leads. Furthermore, this exercise allows you to fine-tune your data management processes, make more accurate and reliable predictions and projections, arrive at more effective, strategic and marketing decisions and customize your workflow and business development to better suit the current market.

The Process and the Tools

Lead generation, being one of the most important processes for any business, can prove to be an expensive proposition if not handled strategically. Companies spend large amounts of their resources acquiring viable leads they can sell to. With web scraping, you can dramatically cut down the costs involved in lead generation and take your business forward with speed and efficiency. Here are some of the time-tested web scraping tools which can come in handy for lead generation –

•    Website download software – Used to copy entire websites to local storage. All website pages are downloaded and the hierarchy of navigation and internal links preserve. The stored pages can then be viewed and scoured for information at any later time.     Web scraper – Tools that crawl through bulk information on the internet, extracting specific, relevant data using a set of pre-defined parameters.

•    Data grabber – Sifts through websites and databases fast and extracts all the information, which can be sorted and classified later.

•    Text extractor – Can be used to scrape multiple websites or locations for acquiring text content from websites and web documents. It can mine data from a variety of text file formats and platforms.

With these tools, web scraping services scrape websites for lead generation and provide your business with a set of strong, actionable leads that can make a difference.

Covering all Bases

The strength of web scraping and web crawling lies in the fact that it covers all the necessary bases when it comes to lead generation. Data is harvested, structured, categorized and organized in such a way that businesses can easily use the data provided for their sales leads. As discussed earlier, cold and detached lists no longer provide you with enough actionable leads. You need to look at various factors and consider them during your lead generation efforts –

•    Contact details of the prospect

•    Purchasing power and purchasing history of the prospect

•    Past purchasing trends, willingness to purchase and history of buying preferences of the prospect

•    Social markers that are indicative of behavioral patterns

•    Commercial and business markers that are indicative of behavioral patterns

•    Transactional details

•    Other factors including age, gender, demography, social circles, language and interests

All these factors need to be taken into account and considered in detail if you have to ensure whether a lead is viable and actionable, or not. With web scraping you can get enough data about every single prospect, connect all the data collected with the help of onboarding, and ascertain with conviction whether a particular prospect will be viable for your business.

Let us take a look at how web scraping addresses these different factors –

1. Scraping website’s

During the scraping process, all websites where a particular prospect has some participation are crawled for data. Seemingly disjointed data can be made into a sensible unit by the use of onboarding- linking user activities with their online entities with the help of user IDs. Documents can be scanned for participation. E-commerce portals can be scanned to find comments and ratings a prospect might have delivered to certain products. Service providers’ websites can be scraped to find if the prospect has given a testimonial to any particular service. All these details can then be accumulated into a meaningful data collection that is indicative of the purchasing power and intent of the prospect, along with important data about buying preferences and tastes.

2. Social scraping

According to a study, most internet users spend upwards of two hours every day on social networks. Therefore, scraping social networks is a great way to explore prospects in detail. Initially, you can get important identification markers like names, addresses, contact numbers and email addresses. Further, social networks can also supply information about age, gender, demography and language choices. From this basic starting point, further details can be added by scraping social activity over long periods of time and looking for activities which indicate purchasing preferences, trends and interests. This exercise provides highly relevant and targeted information about prospects can be constructively used while designing sales campaigns.

Check out How to use Twitter data for your business

3. Transaction scraping

Through the scraping of transactions, you get a clear idea about the purchasing power of prospects. If you are looking for certain income groups or leads that invest in certain market sectors or during certain specific periods of time, transaction scraping is the best way to harvest meaningful information. This also helps you with competition analysis and provides you with pointers to fine-tune your marketing and sales strategies.


Using these varied lead generation techniques and finding the right balance and combination is key to securing the right leads for your business. Overall, signing up for web scraping services can be a make or break factor for your business going forward. With a steady supply of valuable leads, you can supercharge your sales, maximize returns and craft the perfect marketing maneuvers to take your business to an altogether new dimension.
