Saturday, June 27, 2015

Data Scraping - Enjoy the Appeal of the Hand Scraped Flooring

Hand scraped flooring is appreciated for the character it brings into the home. This style of flooring relies on hand scraped planks of wood and not the precise milled boards. The irregularities in the planks provide a certain degree of charm and help to create a more unique feature in the home.

Distressed vs. Hand scraped

There are two types of flooring in the market that have an aged and unique charm with a non perfect finish. However, there is a significant difference in the process used to manufacture the planks. The more standard distresses flooring is cut on a factory production line. The grooves, scratches, dents, or other irregularities in these planks are part of the manufacturing process and achieved by rolling or pressed the wood onto a patterned surface.

The real hand scraped planks are made by craftsmen and they work on each plant individually. By using this working technique, there is complete certainty that each plank will be unique in appearance.

Scraping the planks

The hand scraping process on the highest-quality planks is completed by the trained carpenter or craftsmen who will produce a high-quality end product and take great care in their workmanship. It can benefit to ask the supplier of the flooring to see who completes the work.

Beside the well scraped lumber, there are also those planks that have been bought from the less than desirable sources. This is caused by the increased demand for this type of flooring. At the lower end of the market the unskilled workers are used and the end results aren't so impressive.

The high-quality plank has the distinctive look that feels and functions perfectly well as solid flooring, while the low-quality work can appear quite ugly and cheap.

Even though it might cost a little bit more, it benefits to source the hardwood floor dealers that rely on the skilled workers to complete the scraping process.

Buying the right lumber

Once a genuine supplier is found, it is necessary to determine the finer aspects of the wooden flooring. This hand scraped flooring is available in several hardwoods, such as oak, cherry, hickory, and walnut. Plus, it comes in many different sizes and widths. A further aspect relates to the finish with darker colored woods more effective at highlighting the character of the scraped boards. This makes the shadows and lines appear more prominent once the planks have been installed at home.

Why not visit for the latest collection of luxury floor materials, including the Handscraped Hardwood Flooring.


Monday, June 22, 2015

Migrating Table-oriented Web Scraping Code to rvest w/XPath & CSS Selector Examples

My intrepid colleague (@jayjacobs) informed me of this (and didn’t gloat too much). I’ve got a “pirate day” post coming up this week that involves scraping content from the web and thought folks might benefit from another example that compares the “old way” and the “new way” (Hadley excels at making lots of “new ways” in R :-) I’ve left the output in with the code to show that you get the same results.

The following shows old/new methods for extracting a table from a web site, including how to use either XPath selectors or CSS selectors in rvest calls. To stave of some potential comments: due to the way this table is setup and the need to extract only certain components from the td blocks and elements from tags within the td blocks, a simple readHTMLTable would not suffice.

The old/new approaches are very similar, but I especially like the ability to chain output ala magrittr/dplyr and not having to mentally switch gears to XPath if I’m doing other work targeting the browser (i.e. prepping data for D3).

The code (sans output) is in this gist, and IMO the rvest package is going to make working with web site data so much easier.


# setup connection & grab HTML the "old" way w/httr

freak_get <- GET("")

freak_html <- htmlParse(content(freak_get, as="text"))

# do the same the rvest way, using "html_session" since we may need connection info in some scripts

freak <- html_session("")

# extracting the "old" way with xpathSApply

xpathSApply(freak_html, "//*/td[3]", xmlValue)[1:10]

##  [1] "Silver Linings Playbook "           "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey " "Life of Pi (DVDscr/DVDrip)"       

##  [4] "Argo (DVDscr)"                      "Identity Thief "                    "Red Dawn "                        

##  [7] "Rise Of The Guardians (DVDscr)"     "Django Unchained (DVDscr)"          "Lincoln (DVDscr)"                 

## [10] "Zero Dark Thirty "

xpathSApply(freak_html, "//*/td[1]", xmlValue)[2:11]

##  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"

xpathSApply(freak_html, "//*/td[4]", xmlValue)

##  [1] "7.4 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.3 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "5.3 / trailer" "7.5 / trailer"

##  [8] "8.8 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "7.6 / trailer"

xpathSApply(freak_html, "//*/td[4]/a[contains(@href,'imdb')]", xmlAttrs, "href")

##                                    href                                    href                                    href

##  ""  ""  ""

##                                    href                                    href                                    href

##  ""  ""  ""

##                                    href                                    href                                    href

##  ""  ""  ""

##                                    href

## ""

# extracting with rvest + XPath

freak %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[3]") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] "Silver Linings Playbook "           "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey " "Life of Pi (DVDscr/DVDrip)"       

##  [4] "Argo (DVDscr)"                      "Identity Thief "                    "Red Dawn "                        

##  [7] "Rise Of The Guardians (DVDscr)"     "Django Unchained (DVDscr)"          "Lincoln (DVDscr)"                 

## [10] "Zero Dark Thirty "

freak %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[1]") %>% html_text() %>% .[2:11]

##  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"

freak %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[4]") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] "7.4 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.3 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "5.3 / trailer" "7.5 / trailer"

##  [8] "8.8 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "7.6 / trailer"

freak %>% html_nodes(xpath="//*/td[4]/a[contains(@href,'imdb')]") %>% html_attr("href") %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] ""  ""

##  [3] ""  ""

##  [5] ""  ""

##  [7] ""  ""

##  [9] ""  ""

# extracting with rvest + CSS selectors

freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(3)") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] "Silver Linings Playbook "           "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey " "Life of Pi (DVDscr/DVDrip)"       

##  [4] "Argo (DVDscr)"                      "Identity Thief "                    "Red Dawn "                        

##  [7] "Rise Of The Guardians (DVDscr)"     "Django Unchained (DVDscr)"          "Lincoln (DVDscr)"                 

## [10] "Zero Dark Thirty "

freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(1)") %>% html_text() %>% .[2:11]

##  [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"

freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(4)") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] "7.4 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.3 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "5.3 / trailer" "7.5 / trailer"

##  [8] "8.8 / trailer" "8.2 / trailer" "7.6 / trailer"

freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(4) a[href*='imdb']") %>% html_attr("href") %>% .[1:10]

##  [1] ""  ""

##  [3] ""  ""

##  [5] ""  ""

##  [7] ""  ""

##  [9] ""  ""

# building a data frame (which is kinda obvious, but hey)

data.frame(movie=freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(3)") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10],

           rank=freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(1)") %>% html_text() %>% .[2:11],

           rating=freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(4)") %>% html_text() %>% .[1:10],

           imdb.url=freak %>% html_nodes("td:nth-child(4) a[href*='imdb']") %>% html_attr("href") %>% .[1:10],


##                                 movie rank        rating                              imdb.url

## 1            Silver Linings Playbook     1 7.4 / trailer

## 2  The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey     2 8.2 / trailer

## 3          Life of Pi (DVDscr/DVDrip)    3 8.3 / trailer

## 4                       Argo (DVDscr)    4 8.2 / trailer

## 5                     Identity Thief     5 8.2 / trailer

## 6                           Red Dawn     6 5.3 / trailer

## 7      Rise Of The Guardians (DVDscr)    7 7.5 / trailer

## 8           Django Unchained (DVDscr)    8 8.8 / trailer

## 9                    Lincoln (DVDscr)    9 8.2 / trailer

## 10                  Zero Dark Thirty    10 7.6 / trailer


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Web Scraping Services : Data Discovery vs. Data Extraction

Looking at screen-scraping at a simplified level, there are two primary stages involved: data discovery and data extraction. Data discovery deals with navigating a web site to arrive at the pages containing the data you want, and data extraction deals with actually pulling that data off of those pages. Generally when people think of screen-scraping they focus on the data extraction portion of the process, but my experience has been that data discovery is often the more difficult of the two.

The data discovery step in screen-scraping might be as simple as requesting a single URL. For example, you might just need to go to the home page of a site and extract out the latest news headlines. On the other side of the spectrum, data discovery may involve logging in to a web site, traversing a series of pages in order to get needed cookies, submitting a POST request on a search form, traversing through search results pages, and finally following all of the "details" links within the search results pages to get to the data you're actually after. In cases of the former a simple Perl script would often work just fine. For anything much more complex than that, though, a commercial screen-scraping tool can be an incredible time-saver. Especially for sites that require logging in, writing code to handle screen-scraping can be a nightmare when it comes to dealing with cookies and such.

In the data extraction phase you've already arrived at the page containing the data you're interested in, and you now need to pull it out of the HTML. Traditionally this has typically involved creating a series of regular expressions that match the pieces of the page you want (e.g., URL's and link titles). Regular expressions can be a bit complex to deal with, so most screen-scraping applications will hide these details from you, even though they may use regular expressions behind the scenes.

As an addendum, I should probably mention a third phase that is often ignored, and that is, what do you do with the data once you've extracted it? Common examples include writing the data to a CSV or XML file, or saving it to a database. In the case of a live web site you might even scrape the information and display it in the user's web browser in real-time. When shopping around for a screen-scraping tool you should make sure that it gives you the flexibility you need to work with the data once it's been extracted.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Web Scraping Services : Making Modern File Formats More Accessible

Data scraping is the process of automatically sorting through information contained on the internet inside html, PDF or other documents and collecting relevant information to into databases and spreadsheets for later retrieval. On most websites, the text is easily and accessibly written in the source code but an increasing number of businesses are using Adobe PDF format (Portable Document Format: A format which can be viewed by the free Adobe Acrobat software on almost any operating system. See below for a link.). The advantage of PDF format is that the document looks exactly the same no matter which computer you view it from making it ideal for business forms, specification sheets, etc.; the disadvantage is that the text is converted into an image from which you often cannot easily copy and paste. PDF Scraping is the process of data scraping information contained in PDF files. To PDF scrape a PDF document, you must employ a more diverse set of tools.

There are two main types of PDF files: those built from a text file and those built from an image (likely scanned in). Adobe's own software is capable of PDF scraping from text-based PDF files but special tools are needed for PDF scraping text from image-based PDF files. The primary tool for PDF scraping is the OCR program. OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, programs scan a document for small pictures that they can separate into letters. These pictures are then compared to actual letters and if matches are found, the letters are copied into a file. OCR programs can perform PDF scraping of image-based PDF files quite accurately but they are not perfect.

Once the OCR program or Adobe program has finished PDF scraping a document, you can search through the data to find the parts you are most interested in. This information can then be stored into your favorite database or spreadsheet program. Some PDF scraping programs can sort the data into databases and/or spreadsheets automatically making your job that much easier.

Quite often you will not find a PDF scraping program that will obtain exactly the data you want without customization. Surprisingly a search on Google only turned up one business, that will create a customized PDF scraping utility for your project. A handful of off the shelf utilities claim to be customizable, but seem to require a bit of programming knowledge and time commitment to use effectively. Obtaining the data yourself with one of these tools may be possible but will likely prove quite tedious and time consuming. It may be advisable to contract a company that specializes in PDF scraping to do it for you quickly and professionally.

Let's explore some real world examples of the uses of PDF scraping technology. A group at Cornell University wanted to improve a database of technical documents in PDF format by taking the old PDF file where the links and references were just images of text and changing the links and references into working clickable links thus making the database easy to navigate and cross-reference. They employed a PDF scraping utility to deconstruct the PDF files and figure out where the links were. They then could create a simple script to re-create the PDF files with working links replacing the old text image.

A computer hardware vendor wanted to display specifications data for his hardware on his website. He hired a company to perform PDF scraping of the hardware documentation on the manufacturers' website and save the PDF scraped data into a database he could use to update his webpage automatically.

PDF Scraping is just collecting information that is available on the public internet. PDF Scraping does not violate copyright laws.

PDF Scraping is a great new technology that can significantly reduce your workload if it involves retrieving information from PDF files. Applications exist that can help you with smaller, easier PDF Scraping projects but companies exist that will create custom applications for larger or more intricate PDF Scraping jobs.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

On-line directory tree webscraping

As you surf around the internet — particularly in the old days — you may have seen web-pages like this:

The former image is generated by Apache SVN server, and the latter is the plain directory view generated for UserDir on Apache.

In both cases you have a very primitive page that allows you to surf up and down the directory tree of the resource (either the SVN repository or a directory file system) and select links to resources that correspond to particular files.

Now, a file system can be thought of as a simple key-value store for these resources burdened by an awkward set of conventions for listing the keys where you keep being obstructed by the ‘/‘ character.

My objective is to provide a module that makes it easy to iterate through these directory trees and produce a flat table with the following helpful entries:

Although there is clearly redundant data between the fields url, abspath, fname, name, ext, having them in there makes it much easier to build a useful front end.

The function code (which I won’t copy in here) is at This contains the functions ParseSVNRevPage(url) and ParseSVNRevPageTree(url), both of which return dicts of the form:

{'url', 'rev', 'dirname', 'svnrepo',

 'contents':[{'url', 'abspath', 'fname', 'name', 'ext'}]}

I haven’t written the code for parsing the Apache Directory view yet, but for now we have something we can use.

I scraped the UK Cave Data Registry with this scraper which simply applies the ParseSVNRevPageTree() function to each of the links and glues the output into a flat array before saving it:

lrdata = ParseSVNRevPageTree(href)

ldata = [ ]

for cres in lrdata["contents"]:

    cres["svnrepo"], cres["rev"] = lrdata["svnrepo"], lrdata["rev"]

    ldata.append(cres)["svnrepo", "rev", "abspath"], ldata)

Now that we have a large table of links, we can make the cave image file viewer based on the query:

select abspath, url, svnrepo from swdata where ext=’.jpg’ order by abspath limit 500

By clicking on a reference to a jpg resource on the left, you can preview what it looks like on the right.

If you want to know why the page is muddy, a video of the conditions in which the data was gathered is here.

Image files are usually the most immediately interesting out of any unknown file system dump. And they can be made more interesting by associating meta-data with them (given that no convention for including interesting information in the EXIF sections of their file formats). This meta-data might be floating around in other files dumped into the same repository — eg in the form of links to them from html pages which relate to picture captions.

But that is a future scraping project for another time.
