Saturday, November 8, 2014

Web Scraping Enters Politics

Web scraping is becoming an essential tool in gaining an edge over everything about just anything. This is proven by international news on US political campaigns, specifically by identifying wealthy donors. As is commonly known, election campaigns should follow a rule regarding the use of a certain limited amount of money for the expenses of each candidate. Being so, much of the campaign activities must be paid by supporters and sponsors.

It is not a surprise then that even politics is lured to make use of the dynamic and ever growing data mining processes. Once again, web mining has proven to be an essential component of almost all levels of human existence, the society, and the world as a whole. It proves its extraordinary capacity to dig precious information to reach the much aspired for goals of every individual.

Mining for personal information

The CBC News online very recently disclosed that the US Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has used data mining in order to identify rich donors. It is reported that the act of getting personal information such as the buying history and church attendance were vital in this incident. Through this information, the party was able to identify prospective rich donors and indeed tap them. As a businessman himself, Romney knows exactly how to fish and where the fat fish are. Moreover, what is unique about the identified donors is that they have never been donating before.


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